Pack your bags

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Previous chapter summary:

Ash and Kaitlyn "did the dirty" and the boys walked in on them. Michael got pissed off.


Michael has been ignoring kaitlyn and ashton ever since the...incident. Well incident form hawk because ash and Kaitlyn enjoyed it...a lot. But they have a concert tonight so they have to pretend like nothing ever happened. Lest see how that goes........


Hours have passed. The concert just finished and Michael came up to kaitlyn.

Kaityln's POV:

"Are you still mad?" I asked michael as he approached me after the concert. He stayed quiet and gave me something. I lifted an eyebrow. "What's this?" I asked. "Plane ticket. You're going home" he began to walk away. My eyes widened.

K:"What?! No! why?"
M:"you know I love you and I love having you here with me but if your sleeping with one of my band mates, your going home!"
K: "you can't make me!"
M: "but mom can. I've already told her everything and she's pissed so you're going home!"

I didn't believe it. "You know this isn't going to stop me and ashton from seeing each other! We're in love!"michael ignored me and kept waking. "MICHAEL! GET BACK HERE! WERE NOT DONE TALKING ABOUT THIS!" I yelled as he angrily walked down the corridors. "Well I am. You leave tomorrow. I'm taking you to the airport at 9. So pack your bags" I froze. I couldn't believe it. I can't believe michael is doing this. Oh my god! I hate him so much!

That night I was crying in my bunk as I heard michael telling the guys. I heard ashton yelling. He was saying: "I can't believe how selfish you are! Just because me and your sister are in love you're sending her away? That's a really douch-y move. That's low even for you!" I cried more until I heard ashton coming toward my bunk. He opened my curtain. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the bus where the guys were at.

"See this girl? This beautiful, beautiful girl?! I'm in love with her. I'm never ever ever going to stop loving her. And michael, if you take her away from me, my feelings toward her will never change. I love your sister more than you can ever imagine." A year fell out of my eye. "I'm not sorry for what I'm doing. Pack your bags kaitlyn" michael said leaving the room.

I felt broken inside. I just fell to the floor and cried. I felt Ashton's long arms wrap around me from behind. "It's okay baby. It's okay." I just cried more. This is the worst night ever. I hate my brother for this.

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