LA Show

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Previous chapter summary:
Ashton complimented Kaitlyn. She didn't accept it. Kaitlyn felt really awkward with ash sitting there when Mikey left.
"So today, we have a show. We could really use your help setting up before and getting us ready because some of our crew is taking the week off. So were kind of slower this week." Mikey said to Kaitlyn while eating a banana. Kaitlyn nodded. "Sure"
It was 3:00 now and they had to do sound check. When they got to the stadium, there was already men setting up the stage. The boys got on stage. Rehearsed. And went back stage to get ready.

"Hey cat, come here." Ashton called Kaitlyn over to where he was standing in front of a mirror. "Don't call me cat. That's my brothers name for me. And what do you want?" "Ok cat so-" Kaitlyn rolled her eyes but ignored the fact that he didn't listen to her the first time. She just let him keep talking. "Which bandana do you like better? Green, blue, or red?" He said holding up 3 bandanas.Kaitlyn examined the bandanas closely. "Green. They make your eyes pop." She began to walk away. "Oh so you like it when my eyes pop?" He bit his lip. She slowly turned around. "I'm not suggesting what I like. I'm suggesting what I know the fans will like. Get that through your head." She walked away in a sassy way. Ashton stared at her ass while she walked towards the bathroom.

"Michael is gonna kill you." Ashton jumped in terror. He turned around. Calum was standing there behind him. "I don't know what you're talking about....." Ashton smirked. "Sure you don't." Calum winked then shook his head.

{3 hours passed and the show is about to start}

Kaitlyn was back stage. Right before they were about to make their big entrance, she smiled and said: "good luck guys" the guys turned around and smiled. In 5 seconds she heard the fans from outside screaming at the top of their lungs.
A couple songs passed. Then something that surprised her.

"So guys, we have an announcement." Kaitlyn listened carefully to her brothers' voice as he talked to the fans. She had no idea what their announcement was. "My little sister Kaitlyn is here. Kaitlyn Come Out here!" Kaitlyn was standing by the entrance behind the drums. "Shit" Kaitlyn mumbled to herself. Before she had a chance to run she felt a strong hand grab hers. She turned around. Ashton. "No, Ashton. No. I don't want to go. No!" He picked her up and ran out on stage. She struggled to get out of his arms but he held her tight. "Ashton!" It was too late. All the fans were screaming. Ashton put Kaitlyn down. She tried running away but the guys surrounded her.

"How are you doing today, Katie cat." Ashton said holding in a laugh. She lifted up an eyebrow. Why did he call her that? "You told me not to call you cat so I didn't!" Ashton said. Kaitlyn smiled. "Your an idiot." She whispered. "What was that?" Like said putting a mic by Kaitlyn's mouth.. "I said you are an idiot....Ashton." Ashton smiled. All the fans were laughing and crying and screaming.

"Do you guys want Katie cat to sing with us?" Calum said joking around with the new nickname ashton gave her. She shook her head but the fans screamed louder than ever. "Do it for the fans." Mickey said handing her a mic. She rolled her eyes but agreed to do what they said.

They started singing amnesia. She started to sing along but she might have gotten to much into it. She didn't realize it but the guys stopped singing and they were shocked that she had kept singing till the end of the song. Kaitlyn looked at the guys. Mickey was smiling. Calum and Luke's jaws were wide open. And Ashton did a little bit of both. She bit her lip. Ashton, all of a sudden, started clapping maniacally. Everyone joined in. That was the first time she had ever sang in front of anybody that wasn't either her best friend or her family.

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