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Previous chapter summary:
Kaitlyn got her period. The guys went out to go get her some things she needed. Ashton stayed to help her out. He told her that Luke knew about the kiss.Then Kaitlyn kissed him again.

{texting conversation between ashton and Kaitlyn}

A: I enjoyed our short time together today.
K: ;) me too.
A: maybe it can happen again sometime?
K: lol. Maybe. If we're alone.
A: so does this mean that we are...you know....
K: dating? I guess it does.
A: really?!
K: I really like you. But what about michael?
A: Michael doesn't have to know.
K: and if anyone gets suspicious?
A: they won't.
K: ok. And if they do, just tell them about the first kiss that's it.

Ashton hadn't answered in over 5 minutes already. Which is weird because Kaitlyn knew that he was laying down in his bunk. All of a sudden:

"Tell who about what kiss?" Mikey said scaring Kaitlyn. "What?!" Kaitlyn said, her heart was pounding. "You texted me saying to just tell them about the first kiss" kaitlyns eyes widened. She looked down at her phone. "I..uh..I didn't realize I sent that to you" michael looked at her lifting an eyebrow. "Cat, are you hiding something from me?" Kaitlyns head shot up. "What? No! I would never. I mean I tell you everything. This is girl problems that demi is having" Kaitlyn wasn't to sure if michael was buying it. "Ok...." Mikey said walking away.

Kaitlyn peeked out of her curtain. Ashton did the same. They both sighed of relief.

End up here- an Ashton Irwin fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now