Pregancy test

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Previous chapter summary:
Kaitlyn and ash talked over the phone when she was home.


I immediately called demi. I was having some problems.
(On the phone:)
D: "what up girlie?"
D: "on my way"

A couple minutes later.

D: "hey what's up?" She said worried.
K: "my period hasn't come. I was supposed to get it a couple days ago"
D: "I thought it was something really bad. That's not that bad."
K: "demi! Remember how I told you what happened before I left, you know, with me and ashton, in Liverpool, in the hotel" her eyes widened.
D: "you think your pregnant?" She whispered to make sure my parents wouldn't hear. I bit my lip. "we'll go get a pregnancy test"

I grabbed my shoes and ran out of the house. We went to the store and got a pack. We went to Demi's house because her parents weren't home.

I ran to the bathroom. After I finished doing what I needed to do...I opened the door. Demi was waiting there. "And now we wait" as we were waiting demi brought something up. "I thought he had a condom" she said. "I thought so too" we waited patiently. Not really, we were actually freaking out. After we waited 2 minutes I looked down at the test.

A tear came out. "What? What? What is it?!" Demi yelled. I fell to the floor. "I-I'm pregnant. I'm gonna be a mom" I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad. I called ashton. Thank god he answered.

K: "ash...."
A: "yes?"
K: "that night, in Liverpool, um..."
A: "yeah?"
K: "I'm pregnant"
A: "oh my god!"
K: "are you sure you wore a condom that night" he stayed quiet. "Ash?"
A:'"I wore the condom, but, it had a hole in it"
K: "what?! Why didn't you tell me?"
A: "I thought, what are the odds that she gets pregnant. It's a 1/5 chance. And now...oh my god!"
K: "the only people who know is you, me, and demi. I don't know how I'm going to hide it from my parents."
A: "try eating a lot and wear bigger clothes. Maybe they will think it's natural."
K: "Okay. I love you."
A: "I love you too. Well get through this"

We hung up the phone. Hen I got an amazing idea. Next week, I turn 18. And the week after that, demi turns 18. We can get an apartment together. That way, I can hide it better form my parents. I told demi that and she agreed. After all, we've always wanted to live together.

End up here- an Ashton Irwin fan fictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz