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Previous chapter summary:
Kaitlyn was on the plane and the guy that's at next to her,Isaac, basically forced her to tell him what was wrong.


My plane just landed and my mom had texted me that she would wait in the front for me. After I grabbed my bag I headed for the entrance/exit to the airport and my mom was there. "Hi sweetie" she said. "Hi." I have her a hug but quickly let go.

During the ride back home, we kind of both stayed quiet except for when my mom asked me "how was your flight?" And I would just reply "long and boring" but after that it was dead silent.

I walked in my house. "Where's dad?" I asked my mom. "Working" she put her car keys down and walked to the kitchen. I bit my lip and ran up to my room with my luggage.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop. I tried calling ashton on FaceTime. He didn't answer. I tried again. No answer. I texted him:

Hey, call me on FaceTime when you can. I just want to see your face.

I just dove under my covers and went on tumblr. That was my happy place.

About 2 hours later I finally got a text from...luke?

Hey, it's ash. Michael took away all of my electronics and hid them. So I'm using Luke's phone. How was your flight?

I couldn't just text him.

Can you call me? I replied. A minute later he called. I answered immediately.

A: "hey"
K: "hi baby"
A: "how was your flight?"
K: "it was long. Especially cause this guy next to me basically forced me to tell him what was wrong"
A: "was he flirting?"
K: "I thought he was but I told him I had a boyfriend"
A: "you gotta boyfriend?! Who is it I'll beat him up! No one takes my girl from me"
K: "it's you, doof. And FYI Michael already took me away from you"
A: "good point. But michael can't keep us separated forever."
K: "yeah I know"

We talked for a little while longer until ashton had to go because michael had gotten back from the store or whatever.

End up here- an Ashton Irwin fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now