The vmas part 2

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"And the award for best pop/rock band goes to....5 seconds of summer!" The boys got up in excitement.

Luke was sitting on the aisle seat, Calum next to him then ashton, Kaitlyn and Michael. Kaitlyn gave hugs to all of them.

The boys ran up on stage and excepted the award.

"Thank you guys so much! On behalf of the band I would like to thank all of our amazing fans and of course our families for always supporting us and everyone who helps us out on tour. Everyone from Capitol studios and obviously Kaitlyn Clifford, Michael's sister, for joining us in the middle of the tour and helping us out a lot. We love you all very very ,much and thank you so much!" Luke spoke for the band. That was their agreement.

They got back to their seats. "Congratulations!" Kaitlyn said hugging each of the, then kissing ashton. "Good speech luke" Kaitlyn said with a smile. "I know. I thought I sounded very professional." He said. "oh yeah, especially the part where you said: on behalf of the band. That was extremely professional" she winked. They laughed.

They enjoyed the rest of the show and then it was time to head home. By home, the hotel room.

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