The vmas

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Here is another chapter that is a little more advanced. It's about 1 month and a Half after the first date

First Luke left the car. Then Calum. Then Michael. Then Ashton and Kaitlyn. They were greeted by lots of cameras flashing towards them as they stood on the red carpet. They began walking. Ashton grabbed onto kaitlyn's hand. He kissed her forehead because he could tell she was a little stressed out...this was her first award show.

Kaitlyn was wearing a shirt blue dress. Ashton had a black shirt with a gray blazer on top and a black bandana.

They walked along the red carpet and took pictures.

{short interview with just Ashton}
I: "where is your girlfriend?"
A: "um, I actually don't know" he looked around. "I think she wandered off somewhere"
I: "are you happy she's here?"
A: "yeah, yeah, I'm thrilled. At first she was kind of hesitant but I convinced her and she became really excited."
I: "I saw her when you guys got here. She looked beautiful. And fyi you look great too"
A: "haha yeah I know I was stunned when I saw her. I'm stunned just seeing her in a onesie cause I'm so thrilled that she's my girlfriend. Nobody else's. And, I only look good when I'm not with her because when she's standing next to me people have someone to compare me to and if you compare me and her she is a beautiful goddess and I look like a potato"

They interviewer laughed and then Ashton left.

End up here- an Ashton Irwin fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now