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It's been like, 7 months i guess? After the incident occurs.

I didnt met Mark and didnt go to school since then.

I start to live as how I used to live before I met him. I did a lot of part time works or maybe more than before.

I want to erase everything about him from my mind.

How I wish I did not met him that day.  The first day we met.

I stare at the locket that i'm still wearing.  This pendant is the meeting point between me and him.

Oh, I've lost contact with Somi and others too. Just like that. Right after I left Somi's house, I no longer see her.

I left her house without them knowing. I have been a burden to all people around me. I dont want to bother anyone anymore.

Let her hate me. I do deserve to be hated anyways.

I rent a new house, with my own hard work money of course.

Even though the house is a bit small but still, it still fit for me, well i'm just living there alone. The rental house is also cheap.

I'm not going back to my old house because i want to left all the bad memories behind and start a new one.

He already know my old house address so that's also another reason for me not to live there.

I like my life now better. It feels real.

Not like other days where i live as if i'm not myself.

given a large and luxurious residence, with people of higher rank than me, living a very comfortable life, and that is not my real life.

Sure, I'm comfortable with that life. I really wanted to live like that. Having such a good life like that but then i realized that that's not it. I have to take care of my life myself.

I cant rely on others.

He did give me everything. He pampered me with his money.

I shook my head. Enough with the thoughts. Stop thinking about the past

Past is past. You should not live in the past. You should look forward and not backward.

Did I told you guys that it's already a new year?

A lot had happen since 7 months ago and yeah it's already 2020.

I'm already 19.

"Hey Seolmi, what are you thinking?"

Someone throw me a question, snapping me back to the reality.

"nothing"i said as i give him a small smile.

Yes, right in front of me is Joshua.

Joshua is the only person that I still kept in touch with.

Well, I mean, we still lost contact but then I accidentally met him like 4 months ago?

And he ask me where have i been because i've change my contact number and so on.

"so, what about the offer?"

"huh?"I asked, looking blank as always.

He laugh at my reaction, "Hwakyung's 2nd wedding anniversary"

oh yes, I just remembered that joshua once invited me to Hwakyung's second wedding anniversary.

He said Hwakyung's asked him to invite me, Hwakyung's so sweet.

But, going there means i have to meet Mark and even Jimin since they're related to each other.

I want to go there so much since I miss Hwakyung but I dont want to bump into any of them.

"i'm sorry i think i cant go"I politely reject it.

"um it's alright, I'll tell her that you're busy"

"tell her i'll send her a gift instead"i said, feeling so sorry.

Joshua smile,"alright miss"

"i think i have to go now, my break time is over" i said, staring down at my watch.

Time to go back to work.

"okay, nice to meet you Seolmi... I'll pay this"

"oh no, i'll pay since you had already paid for my food the other days" i said.

"no it's okay i ca-"

"we're not meeting again if you still insisted to pay"I said, challenging him to pay.

"okay okay i lost" he said while laughing.

"good! Okay gotta go!"

Right after I pay for the meal, I straight away go to my work place.

I dont make friends. I just came for work and then go home or another work place after work's done.

As for now, im working at a clothing store in a shopping mall.

There's a lot type of customers and of course there's always a rude one.

But i'm already used to it.

What i've learned from all the part time jobs i have done.

treat customers right

dont be careless

Dont be rude


And no problems will arise.

I was busy serving customers but then my eyes caught someone really familiar walking outside of the store I work at.

I definitely sure, it's him.

Is he alone? Why would he come here alone?

What's he looking for?

Maybe, a gift for Hwakyung? Since what i've know, they're a good friend since high school.

And Hwakyung's gonna celebrate her 2nd wedding anniversary later.

Well, that's what I thought.

A woman then come in the frame and then hug his arm.

Mark dont even care and just let the woman hug her.

Well, i guess that's his fiancé that people are talking about.

What am I talking about? It has been a hot topic about Mark getting engaged with a famous model, name Kyla.

They look suit together tho.

Why am I feeling envious? I have no right to feel like this. We're nobody.

We dont have any relationship to begin with.

I'm just a maid to him. And he's just my boss.

Later, they walk away from my sight making me snap back to the reality.

Forcing a smile, i continue to serve the customer, "oh sorry miss, what do you say?"


So sorry for being late

i've been so busy lately with assignments and tests because these days are hectic weeks for me until final comes


Beggar // Mark TuanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora