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It's been already 3 months i live with Mark. And nothing actually change.

He still treat me the way he always do.

And the chicanery keep on going without anybody know the truth. That makes my guilt grow day by day everytime I go to school and met Mrs. Tuan.

She treat me really nicely, she dont even have any clue about me lying to her.

We often went out to shopping. The first time she asked me to accompany her to shop, i freaked out.

I asked Mark for helped but he just asked me to go along with it.

So eventually, I just go with the flow and the guilt grow bigger everytime i see mrs. Tuan smile at me.

I still remember the first time we met, her face were all stiffed, dont even wear any smile looking down at me.

I'm afraid when the truth finally expose, what would be her reaction? What would she do to me?

This 3 months, i live in guilt. But Mark dont even care. Mark dont even know about this.

He didnt care.

Everytime I tried to discuss this with him, he dodge it and asked me to just follow the flow.

I sighs as I walk back home from school.

I kick small stones that counter my way while thinking about this problem that getting bigger day by day.

What would be Somi's and other guys reaction the momment they know that I'm actually lying to them this whole time?

What would be the students reaction?

As I walk, I bumped into someone that makes me fall on the concrete road.

I look up just to see an old man with sunglasses looking down to me.

I couldnt recognise the man because of the sun beam.

"there you are"he muttered, smirking.

As i try to recall his voice, my eyes grow big.

I quickly stand up to make sure that im not wrong.

"where have you been young lady? Running away from me?"he continue.

"m-mr. Heo"i stuttered.

I dont even remember about him!about the debt!

"im searching you like crazy! Finally"

I look around, there's his men surrounding the area. Afraid that I would run away.

I dont even aware that I'm in a deserted alley.

"so, where's my money?"asked him.

I gulped.

My salary are still not enough to pay the debt.

I slowly shook my head,"im so sorry mr-" i cant continue as mr. Heo already grab my hair making me flinch in pain.

"m-mr. Heo please"i beg.

"it's already reach 3 months and you still cant pay the debt?"mr. Heo ask, his voice turn deep as if he's really mad rn.

"im sorry mr. Heo i-"

"i dont need your apologize!!"he push me harshly till I bumped into the hard wall.

"i told you before that this is your last chance... I'll kill you if you dont complete the debt" he walk closer to me and grab my uniform colar.

"mr. Heo please dont"i beg, tear start to roll down my cheeks.

I heard mr. Heo ask for something from one of his men.

My eyes widen as I saw a gun exchange from the man's hand to mr. Heo's hand.

I cried even more.

Mr. Heo position the gun below my chin.

"i ask you again, where's my fxcking money?"asked mr. Heo.

I slowly shook my head making mr. Heo growl angrily.

Mr. Heo put his finger on the trigger, ready to pull it in any time.

I close my eyes shut. Maybe this is the last day of my life.

Maybe this is the way i can run from all the problems.

No more lie, no more trouble, no more tears.

I wait for mr. Heo to pull the trigger but nothing come.

Mr. Heo pull the gun away from me when he heard noises.

I open my eyes and search where the noises coming from.

Mr. Heo's men are struggling with a group of men.

Much more than Mr. Heo's men.

Mr. Heo growl angrily looking at the situation. His men are losing.

He pull me closer to him and position the gun besides my head.

" stop! Or i'll kill this girl!"he warn.

"stop"someone give a command and all the men stop whatever they do.

He came out from the car and I cant say anything. I feel really grateful seeing him coming out from the car.

"who the hell are you?"mr. Heo ask, looking confuse.

The guy pretend to be shock,"you dont know me?"

"let the girl go first"Jimin said, taking off his sunglasses and shot mr. Heo a glare.

Mr. Heo laugh,"you dont have any right to give me command"

Jimin smirk and then nod to one of his men.

His men walk closer to mr. Heo and yank mr. Heo's hand, making him groan in pain.

Another man pull me away from mr. Heo.

"you okay babygirl?"Jimin whisper, staring down at me with concern.

"how did you know i'm here?"I ask.

"i know, His men always followed you these days"he wink.

"let go of me!"mr. Heo's voice turn my attention to him.

He's now laying down on the concrete road with his hand being handcuffed by one of Jimin's men.

"bring him to the police..and also his men..let them rotten in jail"Jimin made a command once again.

Jimin's men nod their head and leave us in this deserted alley.

"are you hurt anywhere?"Jimin ask, turning me around to see wether im okay or not.

"jimin im okay"I answered. "thank you"

"let's go home, i'll take you home" jimin said, grabbing my bag that are lying on the road.


LOVE LOOP teaser is out!

I really in love w all of got7's japan concept!

Why cant they make the same concept w their korean cb too?

It would be so dope!

Beggar // Mark TuanWhere stories live. Discover now