Highly Amused

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Hi everyone. One of my friends requested me to do this episode, and I didn't mind skipping over to it. And I thought it will be okay to do this since the episodes don't really have a specific order to watch. Anyways, on with the story.

Val's POV

Right now, I am in the middle of running for my life.

Why am I running you may ask? Well, I'll tell you in a little bit.

I find Poppy and Branch standing in front of a funeral for a............glue stick.

"Poppy, Branch, I need your help." I say through pants.

"What? What is it, Val?" Poppy asks.

Before I was able to say anything, I hear the one voice I was running from. Dante.

"Val, there you are." Dante says while holding a piece of paper filled with music notes in one hand and a feather in the other.

I look nervously at Dante before nervously laughing.

"That expression! That's it! The exasperation and revelation!" Dante says before writing on his piece of paper.

Poppy and Branch are confused by this.

"Uh, what's going on?" Poppy asks.

"Dante thinks I'm his muse." I answer.

"Val? A muse?" Smidge asks in confusion.

"Yes, my muse. One who gives me the inspiration I need to create great art. Allow me to explain." Dante says.

Oh, great. He's going to explain how it all started.

Might as well explain to you guys too.

I was working with Branch on a new water slide for the other trolls.

As I was working, I also noticed Dante staring from a distance with stars in his eyes while writing on a piece of paper. I didn't think much of it and continued to help Branch.

But I started to get a little suspicious when Dante kept staring for about a few hours. It's like he was paying close attention to my every move.

And it got worse when he kept following me wherever I went.

I soon found out that I am his "muse." So that means he has to follow me everywhere I go until he finishes writing his song.

Once I finished my explanation, Dante finished explaining as well.

"So you see, Val is my muse. And I must observe his ever move until my masterpiece is complete." Dante says.

"Well, that makes sense." Poppy says. She seems to be okay with this.

But Branch, on the other hand, doesn't really like it.

"Uh, as much as I feel bad for Dante and his struggle, I don't know if I can act normal with him following me around all the time." I say.

"Dante, Val would love to be your muse." Poppy says to Branch.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"Marvelous, marvelous! And worry not, Val. Once I've written this piece, I'll be out of your hair." Dante says to me.

"......Okay." I say.

Branch just walks off towards the bunker.

I follow after him since he might need my help.

And, of course, Dante follows after me.

The three of us are now in the bunker.

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