Smidge in the Saddle

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Val's POV

Poppy, Holly, Thundershock, and I are in the middle of playing a board game.

"My turn, y'all." Holly says before spinning the spinner.

We all stare at the spinner in awe and excitement.

The spinner stops, but it lands in between blue and green. This causes us to gasp in fear.

"What is it, y'all? Am I supposed to move to green or blue?" Holly asks nervously.

"There's no way to tell!" Thundershock says.

"No, guys, if we can't decide, we're going to have to leave this game...unfinished." Poppy says to us.

"You take that back! You take that back right now!" Thundershock says.

"If we don't finish, it'll be like this game was never played. The fun was never had. Would we ever be friends anymore? I'm panicking, y'all!" Holly says.

I am freaking out as well. What are we going to do now?!

"Wait, I know who to call." Holly says before whistling.

Just then, Gust arrives.

"You whistled?" Gust asks.

"Gust Tumbleweed! The fun sheriff's here!" Holly says.

"Fun sheriff?" Poppy, Thundershock, and I ask in unison.

"A troll of justice. Appointed to settle all matters game related." Gust says to us.

"Whoa." Poppy, Thundershock, and I say in awe.

"Now, it's about time this spinner and I...had a reckoning." Gust says as he walks towards the spinner. He stares at the spinner for a while before saying, "It's green!"

We all cheer for Gust.

Poppy had every troll tribe ambassador meet up in Gust's sheriff office to make an announcement.

"And so, Gust Tumbleweed, having witnessed your skills in action, we, the tribal council, appoint you fun sheriff of all TrollsTopia." Poppy says before putting a badge on Gust.

"Well, it's a true honor. But TrollsTopia. That's a big place. I reckon I could use a deputy or two." Gust says.

Just then, Smidge runs over and says, "I'll do it! I'll be a fun deputy!"

"Smidge? You want to be Gust's partner?" Poppy asks.

"Oh, my god, yes! It's been my dream job my entire life! Well, actually, I just heard of it two seconds ago. It's been my dream job my entire last two seconds ago!" Smidge says in excitement.

"And I don't mind being deputy as well. It's sounds like fun." I say.

"Actually, Gust, Smidge and Val would make a great fun deputy. They're tough but fair, and they're really good at keeping trolls in line." Poppy says to Gust.

"So?" Smidge asks with excitement.

"I admire your gusto, Smidge and Val. I'd love to work with you two." Gust says to Smidge and I.

"Yes! Pin a badge on me and lets fun up these streets." Smidge says.

"Whoa, there. I can't just hand over a badge. First you got to take a few months to study this." Gust says before pulling a giant book out from his hat and giving it to Smidge and I.

Since the book was so heavy, the desk that Smidge is standing on breaks through the ground three times.

Smidge opens the book and reads one of the pages.

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