The Classical Help

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Val's POV

I wake this wonderful morning. But it was a lot different from any other morning.

What was different about today was that I didn't wake up on my own like I usually do. Something woke me up.

It was a lot of squawking coming from you know who. Echo.

He kept squawking in my face until I fully wake up.

"Okay, Echo, I'm awake." I say before getting out of bed.

I just hope today goes by okay.

I was wrong.

That's all I have to say.

Echo kept doing mischief all around TrollsTopia. And it was getting tiring trying to catch up with him.

I couldn't take it anymore. I just lean against a tree to catch my breath.

"Is everything all right, Val?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

I look up to see Dante looking at me in concern.

"Oh, hey, Dante. Yeah, everything fine. It's just that Echo is getting out of hand today." I say to Dante.

Dante nods in understanding. "Do you think it would help if I can teach him to be a little more behaved?" He asks.

"That would be great, Dante." I say with a smile.

"Wonderful. You two can stay over at Classical Crest with me for a week. And by then, Echo should be behaved." Dante.

"Okay. See you in a little bit. ECHO WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" I say while walking off to find Echo.

After a while of packing, we finally make it to Classical Crest.

We soon meet up with Dante and enter one of the music rooms so he can start teaching Echo how to behave.

"All right, Echo. Today is going to be your first lesson on how to behave. So the first thing I am going to teach you is-" Before Dante could finish, Echo squawks really loud.

This annoyed both Dante and I.

" to use your indoor voice." Dante finishes.

This is going to be an interesting lesson.

"Okay, when you are around in public or indoors, it is appropriate to not use your loud bird noises. So I would like you to practice using little bird chirps and whistles.

And to my surprise, Echo starting to chirp quietly, which then lead to soft bird whistles. But our hopes were gone when Echo went back to squawking.

This is going to take a while.

As the day went on, Echo finally nailed the lesson in using his indoor voice. But there was still more for him to learn.

When the lesson was over, the sun was setting.

Dante suggested that Echo and I should sleep in his room since there is no where else to sleep.

I agreed and we started heading to his room.

Once inside, I put my things down. There was an extra bed next to Dante's, and Echo will sleep on my bed with me.

"Thanks, Dante. For taking the opportunity to train Echo. It means a lot." I say while smiling at Dante.

"You're welcome, Val. I am always here to help."

I smile before climbing in bed. "Well, goodnight, Dante and Echo." I say.

"Good night." Dante and Echo say in unison.

I soon close my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of soft whistling.

Once I open my eyes, I see Echo in my face. But what surprised me the most was that he wasn't squawking like he usually would.

I guess the lesson was helping him.

But something felt different. There was someone else in my bed.

I look to my left and see Dante sleeping next to me.

This catches me off guard and I literally jump out of bed and fall to the floor while yelping.

This wakes Dante up. "Morning, Val and Echo." He says.

"Morning." Echo and I say in unison.

I don't think much of what happened earlier.

As the days went by, Dante has been teaching Echo a few more lessons on how to behave.

It was now time for Echo and I to head back into Pop village.

But before we leave Classical Crest, I hug Dante. "Thanks, again. For this week." I say

"You're welcome, Val." Dante says while hugging back.

Echo and I make it to Pop Village and I head into the bunker to put my things away that I brought to Classical Crest.

As much as I loved Echo behaving, I sometimes miss Echo being his old self.

And he would every once in a while. He would squawk a few times and mimic my or other trolls' voices and other noises.

But one thing for sure is that you can never really change much of Echo.

He will always be himself whenever he wants.

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