Glitter Rush

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Val's POV

Poppy, the troll tribe leaders, and I are in the middle of a very important meeting.

"Tribal leaders, we have serious decisions to make, so I'll skip the pleasantries. Except to say you all have really nice hair today." Poppy says to them.

"Aww." Synth, Tundershock, Holly, Dante, and Lownote Jones say before going back into serious mode.

"I've called this council because our worst fears have been confirmed. out of glitter." Poppy says.

The tribe leaders and I gasp in fear.

"Poppy, given these new findings, I propose a notion that we initiate a panic freak out." Dante says.

"I second." Lownote Jones says in agreement.

"The notion carries." Dante says.

Just then, they all start to freak out.

I just stand there with a blank expression.

"Everyone, stay calm." Poppy says.

Afterwards, they stop screaming and look in our direction.

"Eventually, the glitter pits will replenish naturally, and in the meantime, I've asked the glitter trolls to see what they can do... But it hasn't gone great." Poppy says.

Well, this isn't good.

"Dang, y'all, glitter's such a special part of how we celebrate. The thought of not having it makes me sadder than a trick or treat basket full of toothbrushes." Holly says sadly.

Wait, what?

"Me too, Holly. But, hey, this is just an opportunity to be creative, right? Maybe we can find a great alternative to glitter." Poppy says to us.

"Yeah, like these seeds. Woo-hoo!" Synth says before throwing seeds all over the place.

Just then, a whole flock of birds come into the hut and start flying all over the place while eating the seeds.

Everyone was freaking out while I just stand there with a few birds on my head and shoulders.

Once all the birds left, we continued with the meeting.

"That is it, y'all. I am putting my feet down. I love TrollsTopia, and it deserves to be celebrated with as much glitter as it wants. You know my motto. Go big or go huge!" Holly says.

We all start to cheer.

"Besides, those glitter pits might have run dry, but I can assure you there is plenty more where they came from." Holly says afterwards.

I was a little confused by this.

Holly then pulls out a scrapbook. "See? Glitter starts deep beneath the ground as boiling hot glitter magma, where it rises, cools, and becomes the glitter we know and love. But in the middle are big old deposits of cold glitter. So if we just mine a little deeper, why, we'd have enough to fill a big old glitter wave pool." She explains to us as she shows us inside of her scrapbook. 

Okay, now I understand.

"Whoa, glitter mining? Sounds super fun, Holly. How do we get started?" Poppy asks in excitement.

"That's easy. With a little trinitropartypopperene, or TNP!" Holly says before pulling out an explosive.

Everyone started to freak out a little.

"Oh, it's fine, y'all. I'll show you." Holly as she noticed their scared state.

Holly is now showing us how to use explosives.

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