The Makeunder

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Val's POV

I heard that Lownote Jones got an invitation to Guy Diamond's birthday party. So Poppy and I are waiting outside for Lownote Jones to come out of a tunnel in a cart.

I'm not going to lie. Guy Diamond's invitations are really intense in an amazing way.

"See what I mean by a huge deal?" Poppy asks Lownote Jones.

"Indeed, I do." Lownote Jones says as he gets out of the cart. "And I'm very, very concerned about it." He adds.

"Concerned?" I ask in confusion.

"Why?" Poppy asks.

"Because Guy Diamond will never be the center of attention at his birthday. I will." Lownote Jones says.

Lownote Jones starts to explain to Poppy and  about why he will the center of attention.

"You see, Lownote Jones has a certain reputation. He's known for being...oh, how do I saw it?" Lownote Jones starts to say.

"The most coolest and amazing troll in the whole world?" I ask.

"Well, if only I had a gold star I'd give you one. Oh wait, I do." Lownote Jones says before pulling out a gold star and giving it to me.

"Wow." I say as my eyes...dilate. The feeling is coming back!!!

But I pay no attention as I keep staring at the star in awe.

"Make no mistake, most times I love being a cool troll. It just seems to brighten everyone's day. Observe." Lownote Jones says before walking towards me.

I look up from the gold star and face Lownote Jones in confusion.

"Hey, there. I just had to let you know you have a smile that lights up the world." Lownote Jones says to me.

I am literally screaming in the inside. The feeling intensifies as my eyes dilate even more. I am now just standing there in a shock state.

"But every now and then, my cool persona presents a conundrum. Because no matter how hard he tries to fight it, Lownote Jones tends to steal the spotlight." Lownote Jones says.

I shake my head as I get out of my thoughts and my eyes go back to normal.

"Oh, I see he problem. If you go to the party, you'll take the focus away from Guy Diamond." Poppy says.

"You got that right, baby. I just wish there was a way to tone down my cool. Just for one night." Lownote Jones says.

"Maybe I can help. When it comes to being uncool, I'm kind of an expert." We hear a familiar voice from behind us.

We turn around to see Branch standing there with sunglasses on. But he soon takes them off.

"You see, Lownote, I'm known for being a bit...socially awkward. In fact, I once told a story so dull it started the great contagious yawn of the year 11 A.B." Branch says.

I roll my eyes. "He means after bunker. This happened last week." I say to Lownote Jones. I know this because I was there when it happened.

"But listen, to be uncool, we'll need to downplay your entire vibe. I'm talking a total makeover. Uh, makunder." Branch says.

"Anything. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Guy gets the birthday of his dreams." Lownote Jones says.

"Okay then. For starters, we've got to do something about the suave cadence of your voice." Branch says.

"What suave cadence of my voice." Lownote Jones asks in his smooth, deep voice.

"That. Right there. You hear how smooth that is?" Branch asks.

"Hmm. Lownote Jones has no idea what you mean." Lownote Jones says.

"You just did it again." I say while standing next to Branch.

"Well, I suppose we'll just agree to disagree, baby." Lownote Jones says before winking.

My eyes dilate again as I stare off into space.

"Don't wink!.........Don't worry, we'll have you ready by party time." Branch says.

My eyes go back to normal and get out of my thoughts.

Poppy, Branch, Lownote Jones, and I make it to Guy Diamond's birthday party.

As we enter a few trolls notice Lownote Jones.

"Oh, no. Here they come." Lownote Jones says as he slowly backs away.

"Hey, hey, it's all right. You're just going to play it real uncool. Like we practiced." Branch says to Lownote Jones.

"Right. Let's do this thing." Lownote Jones says with confidence.

I have a feeling this is not going to end well.

Well, so far, Lownote Jones has been doing what he practiced with Branch. He would avoid eye contact then nothing but eye contact, laugh way too loud at the wrong times, and tell jokes that are long-winded and almost impossible to follow.

But that soon ends terrible as everyone starts to yawn.

"Oh, no, Lownote. Your boring joke. It started a..." Poppy starts to say.

"Contagious yawn." Lownote Jones finishes.

Soon, Poppy and Branch start to yawn and pass out.

I started to feel like yawning as well, and I couldn't hold back. I then pass out as well.

Poppy, Branch, and I soon wake up and look around for Lownote Jones.

Guy Diamond tells us that Lownote Jones went to get everyone back to the party.

We wait for a little bit and Lownote Jones comes back with every troll that was in the party. Well, more like everyone.

The party is still on!!!

"Looks like we get to share the center of attention, Lownote. Which is cool with me if it's cool with you." Guy Diamond says to Lownote Jones.

"Oh, it's cool, baby. Very, very cool." Lownote Jones says.

I'm glad this party didn't end up as a total disaster.

Now both Guy Diamond and Lownote Jones get to share the center of attention.

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