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Val's POV

Right now, I was with Branch in his bunker.

All of a sudden, we were called up by Poppy and our friends. Once we leave the bunker, Poppy tells us about an idea she had.

Poppy wants all the different tribes to be together in our village. And she also wants to call it TrollsTopia.

I was okay with it, but I don't know about Branch.

"Oh, yeah. TrollsTopia. That's a great idea." Branch says sarcastically.

Our friends groan from behind Poppy.

"Voice of descent. Check." Poppy says with boredom.

"Sorry, guys, but let's be realistic here. You're asking big groups of trolls to move away from their homes to live with a bunch of strangers. I just don't know many trolls who would sign up for that." Branch explains to them.

"I guess I didn't think about it that way... Oh, wait, yes I did! And I already have a solution!" Poppy says before pulling out a few envelopes.

Our friends start to cheer with excitement.

"That's called a mystery, boy!" Smidge says.

Branch just groans.

"We're sending out these cards, inviting an ambassador from each troll tribe to visit. Then after we've shown them how incredibly fun life here can be, we'd pitched them TrollsTopia." Poppy explains.

Our friends and I stare at Poppy in awe.

"It's like when you go to a cupcake shop, and they give you a sample. And it tastes so good you want to move into that shop and eat cupcakes everyday." Poppy finishes.

"I see. Showing the ambassadors a super fun time is giving them a cupcake, so they'll want to move into TrollsTopia and bring all their friends with them." Smidge says.

Cooper gasps before saying, "Metaphor!"

"This sounds like a pretty good idea." I say to everyone.

We all cheer in happiness and excitement.

"It's settled then. Tell the whole village we have guests coming. It's time to get ready!" Poppy says as she gives a messenger bug the invitations.

As Poppy and the other trolls get ready for TrollsTopia, Branch and I stay in the bunker.

Branch for sure didn't want to go, but I dragged him along. Literally.

Once I finally drag Branch to where Poppy and the pop trolls are at, I stand next to Poppy as she gives her speech to everyone.

"This is it Trolls! If we show them a good time, there's no way they'll say no to Trollstopia." Poppy says.

All of the pop trolls start to applaud and cheer.

"Whoo-hoo. TrollsTopia. Yay." Branch says sarcastically as he walks over to us.

I just roll my eyes.

"Voice of descent. Double check." Poppy says. "Welcome position!" She yells to everyone afterwards.

All the pop trolls then stand in a few columns and rows, so they can make room for the ambassadors to come.

Just then, we heard a gallop noise getting louder. It must be the country trolls ambassador.

"That gallop sounds like our country western ambassador. Their songs will make you get up and yeehaw!" Poppy says with excitement.

"Howdy, y'all!" The country troll ambassador greets as she leaps and lands next to Poppy.

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