Synth's Sister

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Hey, everyone. This is my first OC insert episode and I hope you like it. The OC for this chapter belongs to @camzy2004. Hope you like it. The picture below is what her OC looks like.

 The picture below is what her OC looks like

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Val's POV

Today we have news that a Techno Troll was visiting TrollsTopia.

So Poppy, Branch, Dante, Holly, Lownote Jones, Thundershock, ans I meet up with Synth so he can introduce us to the techno troll.

"Thanks for coming, everyone. I would like to introduce you to my sister, Sea Star." Synth says to us.

"Hi." A blue techno trolls says to us.

"Hi!" We say in unison.

But there was something different about Sea Star. She didn't have a tail fin. She was only sitting in a wheelchair.

We were surprised at first.

"Um, what happened to your tail fin? If you don't me asking." I ask in curiosity.

"Oh, I was born without a tail. But that's okay because I'm still able to move around in a wheelchair." Sea Star says with a smile.

That's good to hear. At least she isn't sad about not having a tail fin.

"We are going to have a little party for Sea Star's visit." Synth says while putting his arm around Sea Star.

"Yes! That's a great idea!" Poppy says with excitement.

I playfully roll my eye, knowing that Poppy would love to throw any kind of party at any time.

"And while we set the party up, Sea Star is going to spend time with Laguna." Synth says.

"Okay. That will give us plenty of time." I say.

Once Sea Star leaves to go hang out with Laguna, Synth, Poppy, and I start planning out the party.

"Okay, we got all the decorations for the party. What we need now is a gift for Sea Star." I say to Poppy and Synth.

"But what?" Poppy asks.

"Well, I've had something in mind." Synth says.

"What is it?" Poppy and I ask.

"I was thinking about getting her a prosthetic tail." Synth says.

"That's a wonderful gift for Sea Star!" Poppy says.

"You think so?" Synth asks.

"Of course. Now Sea Star will be able to move around like you and the other techno trolls." I say to Synth.

"Yes! We should get Laguna's help for this." Poppy says.

"Um...But isn't Sea Star with Laguna?" I ask.

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