Hitting the Sky Note

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Val's POV

I was told that in a few days there is going to be a very special day.

There was a creature that loved music more than any other creature in the world. And that was the Funphibian.

The Funphibian is a giant turtle that lives in the bottom of the lake. And it can hold its breath for an entire year.

And today is the day for it to surface.

And that is where the trolls will welcome it with true harmony. It will then return the favor with an aquatic extravaganza.

The only downfall is that the Funphibian is very picky. So one bad note, and the Funphibian is gone.

Anyways, Poppy is changing it up this year.

She is going to be having Dante conduct the trolls for the Funphibian. And she is also having Trollzart, the Classical Music tribal leader, watch the performance.

Right now I am walking towards Poppy and the trolls that are going to preform. But I stop when someone tackles me.

I open my eyes to see Dante hugging me nervously.

"Dante? What's wrong?" I ask.

"Val! I am nervous!" Dante says as he is freaking out. "What if I do poorly on conducting? What if King Trollzart doesn't like the performance? What if the performance goes terribly wrong!?"

"Hey, Dante, calm down. You are the most talented conductor I know. And there is no way you are going to fail." I reassure him.

"Thank you, Val. I can do this." Dante says with confidence.

We walk over to Poppy and the others to see them talking with......... Sky Toronto.

I don't know why, but I don't see him as a troll that enjoys smiling and having fun. He reminds of Branch before he got his color back.

"What do you think, Sky? Do we sound ready for the Funphibian?" Poppy asks Sky.

"Don't ask me. I don't sing." Sky says.

Poppy gasps.

Oh, no.

Knowing Poppy, she is not going to give up until she gets Sky to sing.

And that is what Poppy does. She goes to Sky's factory and tries to get him to sing.

I stay behind and watch Dante practice his conducting.

He is really good at conducting, and I doubt he is going to fail during the performance for the Funphibian and King Trollzart.

As the day went on, I was told that Poppy got Sky to sing. But when I heard him for the first time, it didn't sound like singing.

He was very off key a few times and it sounded like he was yelling instead of singing.

This has gone from bad to worse, because he is now going to be in the performance for the Funphibian.

This gets Dante to freak out even more.

"I don't know if I can do this, Val! One wrong note, and the performance is over!" Dante says while shaking me.

"Dante, you'll be fine. We'll figure something out." I say to him.

It was now the day for the Funphibian to surface for the performance. And King Trollzart is here!

Once the Funphibian arrived all the trolls were gathered in their specific section, while Sky stood in his own section.

Dante starts to conduct, and was also avoiding Sky for the moment.

But everywhere Dante pointed to the section, Sky tried to stand in from of him.

This got Dante really nervous, and Poppy noticed.

"Stop!" Poppy shouts, which gets everyone to stop what they were doing.

I was getting worried for Dante now.

"Just one second, everyone." Poppy says before wrapping her hair around Sky and herself.

I have a feeling Poppy is going to tell Sky about his singing sounding bad.

After a few minutes, Poppy unwraps her hair.

"You're really okay?" Poppy asks Sky.

"I'll live." Sky says.

Just then, an idea popped in my head. "Hey, Poppy, Dante, I have an idea. What if all the trolls match with Sky when he sings?" I ask.

"That sounds like a great idea, Val. Let's try it." Poppy says.

Sky stands in the crowd of trolls.

Dante starts conducting, and once he pointed at Sky, he started to sing.

But his bad singing was cut out when the other trolls sang with him.

It seems that the Funphibian and King Trollzart loved the performance.

The Funphibian started to shoot glitter out of its shell as it swam around the water.

"That was a beautiful performance, Dante." King Trollzart says as he flies towards Dante.

A giant smile appears on Dante's face. "Thank you!" He says with excitement.

Dante looks in my direction and smiles.

I smile back and give him a thumbs up.

It's a good thing we had Sky in this performance.

And I am glad that Dante didn't fail.

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