Cheery Glo-mato

301 7 1

Val's POV

Right now, Poppy and I are helping Holly with growing her cherry glo-mato.

Poppy and Holly are getting supplies while I go and check on the glo-mato. And it looks like it's growing really well.

But all of a sudden, Thundershock come out of nowhere and smashes the glo-mato.

This causes the glo-mato to splash everywhere.

But the thing is, when the glo-mato splashed, the momentum pushes me back and I hit the fence. My arm got most of the impact, and it hurt a little.

I quickly get and brush it off.

I look around and see glo-mato sauce everywhere, even on us.

Thundershock was cheering with her band about the smash she did.

Holly and Poppy walk over in shock.

"Y'all! What did you do to my cheery glo-mato, y'all?" Holly asks.

"Oh, that was your cherry tomato?" Thunddershock asks.

Holly groans in frustration. "'Cheery glo-mato.' You know, because it glows. And because there's is only one way to grow it." She says.

Oh, yeah. The only way to grow a cheery glo-mato is to cheer it to grow. Sometimes I would see Holly in a cheerleader outfit while cheering for her glo-mato.

"I was going to enter it in the Country Corral Fair next month. That was going to be my prize winner." Holly says sadly.

Now I feel bad for Holly. And Poppy does as well.

"Oh, Holly, that's awful. But I'm sure Thundershock didn't know. Did you, Thundershock?" Poppy asks Thundershock.

"No." Thundershock says.

"I understand. It was an honest mistake...A horrifying, soul-crushing, honest mistake. Most trolls would die before taking the high road, but not" Holly says with a little anger in her voice.

"So, we're cool?" Thundershock asks.

"Yes, Thundershock, we are cool. High road, Holly. High road!" Holly says before woalking with a face that reads she is not cool with this.

"Well, that worked out. Who wants ice cream?!" Thundershock asks her band, who cheer.

Before they leave, Poppy stops them.

"Ice cream?! No! Thundershock, you've got to apologize to Holly." Poppy says.

"I did apologize. I said we're cool. Pound-flict resolution!" Thundershock says.

"That' not really an apology." I say.

"Yeah, Thundershock, an apology needs to show empathy." Poppy says.

"Right... And by empathy you mean..." Thundershock starts to say.

She doesn't know what empathy is?

"Really? Okay, empathy happen when you think about how your actions hurt someone and-" Poppy starts to say, but gets interrupted.

"No way, Pop Squeak. I'll just stick to the rock way of doing things." Thundershock says while walking away.

"Fine, but your conscience is going to get to you." Poppy says to Thundershock.

"Oh. And by conscience you mean..." Thundershock starts to say.

Poppy groans. "Conscience, Thunderhsock. The voice in your head that makes you feel bad when you do wrong. Eventually you're going to have to listen to it." She says.

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