Classical Rock

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Val's POV

I was taking a stroll outside at night just for the fun of it.

It was all peace and quiet until I heard loud talking, which sounded like Poppy and Demo.

Once I find them, I ask, "What's going on here?"

"Oh, hi, Val. Demo is sneaking off to play music with the classical trolls." Poppy says to me.

I look at Demo to see him nod nervously.

"Oh, that's cool." I say afterwards.

Demo is taking us up to Classical Crest so he can show what he has been up to.

Once we make it into Classical Crest, Demo goes on a stage and starts playing a classical guitar, with classical trolls watching.

"It's classical guitar." Poppy says in awe.

"Indeed. You would never expect to hear such a delicate melody from a hard rock troll. But everything he does exudes classical." Minuet says to us.

Demo finishes playing the classical guitar. "That was called the piercing scream of the flaming skull." He says.

Everyone claps.

"Demo, that was so gentle, so sensitive. Why would you keep that a secret?" Poppy asks.

I nod in agreement.

"Because hard rock trolls don't do gentle and sensitive. Especially Thundershock. If she catches you doing anything that she thinks doesn't rock, you get...the face." Demo says.

By his expression, I can tell that "the face" is scary.

"I get it, Demo. It's hard to be vulnerable when you think someone's going to judge you. But you can't hide this. You clearly love classical culture." Poppy says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I said I like classical guitar. But there is no evidence I love classical culture." Demo says.

Just then, Dante comes over. "Breathtaking performance, Demo." He says to Demo.

Demo's hair goes down in a classical hair style while he picks up a tea cup. "Many thanks, my classical brother." He says before he and Dante lift there pinky while holding the tea cup and sipping on the tea.

Now that is evidence that Demo likes classical culture.

Demo then widens his eyes after he realizes what he did. "Okay, I love it! But you can't tell Thundershock." He confesses.

"Got it." I say.

"Oh, I'm not very good at keeping secrets. Even my own. Hopscotch is overrated!" Poppy says before covering her mouth. "See?"

"Please, Poppy. I'm practicing for a big concert here in the crest this weekend and I can't let fear of the face distract me. Can you just keep quiet till after the show?" Demo asks.

Poppy looked hesitant.

Poppy and I are talking with Thundershock about Demo.

"So, Thundershock, uh, Val and I talked to Demo and it turns out he's fine. It's all welcome to Demo-town. Population zero worries." Poppy says nervously.

I wanted to face palm right now. Poppy is bad at acting natural with keeping secrets.

"What?" Thundershock asks.

"Nothing can relax." Poppy says.

"Wait, your voice just cracked and you glanced up, which means......something. I don't know. Anyway, thanks." Thundershock says before walking off.

"No problem." Poppy says to Thundershock.

As days go by, Poppy, Demo, and I have been keeping our secret from Thundershock.

And while Demo goes to Classical Crest for practice, I would go with him.

Today, after watching him practice, we both start leaving Classical Crest.

"You're pretty good with that classical guitar, Demo." I say to him.

"Oh, uh, thanks, Val." Demo says nervously.

"I just hope Thundershock doesn't find out about this." I say.

"Yeah." Demo says in agreement.

As we head towards the elevator, we see the Poppy and... Thundershock.

"Demo, What are you doing here? And what's up with that not-rocking guitar?" Thundershock asks suspiciously.

Demo was really nervous at this point. "Well..." Demo starts to say.

"Well what, Demo? Well what?" Thundershock asks while walking towards Demo.

"Uh, he wasn't going to play that guitar. He was gonna...smash it. Right, Demo?" Poppy asks nervously.

I face palm at what Poppy just said.

"Uh...yeah. Well, here I go." Demo says while raising the classical guitar.

I was scared to see this happen. He shouldn't break the thing he loves doing.

Demo swings the classical guitar to the ground, but stops at the very second. "No! I can't! I won't!" He says.

"What?" Thundershock asks in confusion.

"Look, Thundershock, the reason I've acted so weird lately is because I secretly have been playing classical guitar. But I'm not going to hide it anymore. Because I love it." Demo says before playing a few notes. "So go ahead. Give me...the face."

"The face?" Thundershock asks.

"The face you make when someone does something you think doesn't rock." Demo says.

"Do you mean the face I make when I don't know how to talk about mushy stuff?" Thundershock asks in confusion.

Now we are also confused right now.

"Are you saying this has all been a misunderstanding?" Poppy asks.

"Yeah. Honestly, Demo, your classical guitar is really good. When I hear it, the scream of my soul echoes endlessly in the flaming recesses of my rock heart." Thundershock says.

"...Wow..." I say in surprise.

"And I know a few other trolls are going to feel that way too." Thundershock adds.

Demo was playing his classical guitar on stage while we watch.

"Wow, Thundershock, I think classical culture is really rubbing off on you." Poppy says to Thundershock.

"Wrong. I'm just here to support a friend." Thundershock says while holding a tea cup. "There is zero evidence that-" Thundershock's pinky goes up when she is about to sip out of the tea cup.

Poppy and I look at her with a smirk.

Thunderhsock then puts her pinky down. "You tell no one about this." She says to us with a glare.

"Got it." I say.

Poppy only blinks with a smile.

I can tell that she is going to have a hard time keeping this a secret.

TrollsTopia (OC Insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora