Two's a Cloud

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Val's POV

I was in my room while feeding Echo.

It was really quiet until Branch enters the bunker.

Knowing Branch, he wants to be alone for a little bit, so Echo and I just stay in our room.

But we hear a faucet turn on.

And I know for a fact that that wasn't Branch.

After a minute or so, I hear Branch talking with someone in the bathroom.

Out of curiosity, I walk with Echo into the bathroom only to see Branch talking with the one person he hates. Cloud Guy.

"Cloud Guy?" I ask.

"Hey, Val. How's it going?" Cloud Guy says.

"Uh, what's going on in here?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm moving in! We are now roommates!" Cloud Guy says before hugging us.

"We are now roommates!" We hear Echo say in Cloud Guy's voice.

This gets Cloud Guy to gasp with stars in his eyes. "Who is this?" He asks while pointing at Echo.

"That is Echo. Say hi, Echo." I say.

"Hi, Echo." Echo says in his voice.

"Aww. He's so cute." Cloud Guy says.

"Okay, let's not get off topic here." Branch says before grabbing a hand vacuum and uses it to suck Cloud Guy in it.

Branch then puts Cloud Guy in a tube and pulls a lever, which sends Cloud Guy flying out of the bunker.

I kind of felt bad for Cloud Guy. I understand he is annoying sometimes, but he isn't all that bad. To me that is.

Branch sits back down in his chair and opens a jar.

But what surprises both of us is that Cloud Guy comes out of the jar.

"Look, Branch, I'm not leaving. My parents live next to my old place and they refuse to acknowledge I'm an adult who can take care of himself. They're constantly barging in and pestering me." Cloud Guy says.

"Dang, that sucks." I say.

"That sucks. That sucks." Echo repeats in his parrot voice.

"I know. They have no boundaries." Cloud Guy says.

"No, you're just trying to drive me crazy, like you always do. But you're not gonna get to me this time, Cloud Guy. Nothing you do will remove this smile from my face." Branch says while standing in front of Cloud Guy.

Well, I'm not so sure about that.

As the day goes on, Cloud Guy kept bothering and annoying Branch.

But Branch kept that smile on his face. And the more Cloud Guy annoyed him, the more Branch's smile looked forced.

So Echo and I spent most of the day in our room.

But we get out of our room when we hear a scream coming from Cloud Guy

We run over to see Cloud Guy's parents come out of his room shouting, "Son!"

"I will never forgive you for this!" Cloud Guy says while glaring at Branch.

I face palm, knowing Branch would do something like this. And every time he does something like this, it always goes bad.

"Mom? Dad? What a pleasant surprise. Thanks, Branch." Cloud Guy says.

"Oh, no need to thank me, pal. What kind of troll would I be if I didn't have my roomie's parents over...regularly?" Branch says.

This causes Cloud Guy to gasp.

"Son, aren't you gonna hug your parents?" Cloud Guy's mom asks.

"Yeah, get over here, champ!" Cloud guy's dad says while he and Cloud Guy's mom extend their arms out for a hug.

Cloud Guy walks over to hug them, but his parents hug each other before saying, "Too slow!"

This irritates Cloud Guy a little.

"Oh, just razzing you, son. Hey, got to say, we really like your new place...because we're too polite to tell you the truth." Cloud Guy's dad says.

"Well, I'm not a Cloud Boy anymore, I'm a Cloud Guy. I can live wherever I want." Cloud Guy says.

"Well, of course you can. Uh-oh. I feel a warm front coming on." Cloud Guy's mom says while putting her hand on his forehead.

His parents start to check his temperature and brush his cloud hair.

Wow, they baby him so much. He must feel embarrassed.

"Well, I'm just gonna pop out and let you three get all caught up." Branch says before grabbing my arm and leading me out of the bunker. "For as long as Cloud Guy lives here, when it comes to you two, my vents are always open."

We then hear a lot of noise and look back to see what they were doing.

"Hey, what's all that racket going on down here? What is this?" Branch asks as he walks back over to them.

"We're moving in!" Cloud Guy's parents say in unison.

"Moving in?" Branch asks.

"Yup. You did say, 'Please move in with us. Your son, my friend, and I could really use the help.'" Cloud Guy's mom says.

"What? No! I said, 'My vents are always open.'" Branch says.

This has gone from bad to worse.

"You brought this on yourself. And Val didn't need to be brought into this." Cloud Guy says while sitting on a chair.

As the days go by, Cloud Guy has been treating us like little kids.

Branch and Cloud Guy are not enjoying this. But for some reason, it didn't bother me at all. It felt like I was part of a family. And I never had a mom or dad before.

So it was interesting experience for me.

They would wake us up early, give us food, and take cute pictures of us.

I would be okay with what they were doing. But not for Branch and Cloud Guy.

Anyways, today was different.

Branch and Cloud Guy wanted to show Cloud Guy's parents that they can take care of themselves.

And it seemed to be working.

Cloud Guy's parents had enough of this and decided to leave.

They went through the tube and were sent flying out of the bunker.

At least Branch and Cloud Guy are not going to be annoyed for the rest of their lives.

"Victory!" Branch and Cloud Guy shout in unison before giving each other a high five.

"Master plan, Branch, my man." Cloud Guy says.

"You know, we should  work together more often. What do you say, roomie?" Branch asks.

"I say..........that's not going to work for me." Cloud Guy says before sucking all of his belongings inside him.

I was confused by what he said.

"It would kill our dynamic. You know, I bug you, you get bugged by me, Val watching and laughing at you getting bugged by me. When it doesn't bother you, I sort of lose interest. Cloud Guy, out!" Cloud Guy says before getting into the tube and flying out of the bunker.

As the day went on, it was quiet without Cloud Guy.

But I'm sure Branch was okay with that. Now he can relax alone.

But that all changed when I heard hi scream. I run out of my room to see him get startled by a few trolls that were in the bunker.

"Found you, Branch." One of the trolls says.

I was surprised by this.

"Branch, you were playing Hide-and-seek and you didn't tell me?"

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