The Party Pooper

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Val's POV

Right now, I am attending one of the parties with Poppy. But the party got boring so fast.

But it was a good thing Guy Diamond and Meadow, also known as the "Life of the Party," show up to try and lighten up everything.

But my mind was on something else. Something that happened yesterday... with Dante.

Before I was going to leave Chez Dante, Dante wanted to tell me something. And me being the curious one I was, I listened to what he had to say.

Dante said that he likes me.

It was close to what Demo said when he liked me, but Dante sounded like he really liked me. So now two people like me.

When Dante told me this, I was shocked. But he said that I didn't have to answer him. I can think about it. Same with what Demo said.

My thoughts get out of that recent memory when I hear the music stop and the lights go out. Everyone, including me, was confused on what was going on.

"Who did that?" Guy Diamond asks.

We hear a laugh from above us. There floating in the air is a hooded figure.

The figure does an evil laugh. "It was the Party Pooper! How long I've waited to exact my revenge upon all of you. By pooping the parties you hold so dear!" The figure says before landing on the ground. The figure then takes off the hood to reveal...

"Marshtato Mary!" Most of us shout in suprise.

"What? Ya'll telling me there's even more backstory?" Holly asks us.

I nod my head.

"Uh-huh, see, that's Marshtato Mary. Once we thought she was a fairy who tried to ruin a beloved holiday, but we stopped her with the power of hugs and she vowed revenge. Also, she's super adorable." Guy Diamond explains.

"What? I'm not adorable! Take that back or else!" Marshtato Mary says before doing a cute face.

everyone awes at Marshtato Mary's action.

But this irritates her even more. "Enough! Hench-crabs! Party poop away!"

All of a sudden, crabs start swarming the party. And all of the trolls are screaming in fear.

But Guy Diamond doesn't give up. "You there! Party Pooper! Get a load of The Sparkle!" He says before doing a few dance moves.

This mesmerizes Marshtato Mary. 

"Come on. You know you want to try it. And you can't destroy a party once you've joined it." Guy says, continuing to dance.

Marshtato Mary looks even more mesmerized. "That move. Can't resist it! Oh, wait. Yes, I can. Consider this party... pooped!" She says before flying over and knocking down the disco ball.

"No!" Guy Diamond says while running to the disco ball. But sadly, he doesn't make it in time to catch it.

The disco ball now lays in front of Guy Diamond in pieces.

Marshtato Mary laughs evilly before flying away.

"It can't be. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Guy Diamond shouts in defeat.

All of the trolls start walking back to their homes. I do as well.

I feel so bad for Guy since he wasn't able to stop Marshtato Mary from destroying the party. I just hope nothing else bad happens.

The next day, Poppy and I are trying to find Guy Diamond and Meadow, because we just saw some more hench-crabs party pooping.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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