It's Dadurday

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Val's POV

Well, today is Dadurday. And that means that today is the day for the dads and their kids to spend time together and do dad activities.

But the only thing is, this holiday isn't really for me since I don't have a dad.

And it gets worse when I can't spend time with most of my friends. Poppy gets to spend time with her dad, and Branch gets to spend time with his remote, named Gary.

So being the nice person I am, I don't interrupt them.

I was about to spend this holiday alone, until I heard that Guy Diamond has a problem with doing dad activities.

Since he is so used to being pampered, he doesn't know that much about doing outdoor activities.

So I was hanging out with Rhythm, Blues, Holly, and Synth to try and help Guy Diamond.

The first activity we helped Guy with was skipping rocks in the lagoon.

Holly, R, and B were by the shore, and Synth was in the water.

Synth is going to be the one who is skipping the rocks from under the water for Guy Diamond.

I was curious and wanted to be under the water with Synth. So I had a bubble on my head, so I was able to breath, and was floating next to him.

"Ready, Synth?" I ask.

"Absolutely!" Synth says with confidence.

The first rock was thrown in the lagoon, and Synth went after it. Once he got to it, he skipped it from under the water.

After that, two more rocks were thrown in the lagoon.

I was a little difficult for Synth, but he was able to skip them.

We both cheer and high five each other.

It was quiet for a while when we were waiting for the next rocks to come in.

"Val?" Synth asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I have been wanting to tell you something ever since I first met you." Synth says nervously.

I was a little confused. "Okay, what is it?" I ask.

"Well, ever since I first met you, I uh... I'm... uh..." Synth starts to say.

"Boulder." I say while looking up at the surface of the water.

"What? No, I'm not a boulder." Synth says in confusion.

"No, Boulder!" I shout before grabbing Synth's hand and swimming out of the way of a falling boulder.

"That was close." Synth says.

"Yeah. So what was it that you wanted to say to me?" I ask.

"Oh, never mind." Synth says.

I just stand there in confusion. What was Synth going to say to me?

Anyways, the next activity was building a tree house. 

For this plan, R and B tied strings to Guy's arms and legs.They would then control what Guy Diamond does, as if he was a puppet.

The next activity was making hamburgers.

And for this plan, Holly would be flipping the hamburgers from behind Guy Diamond, so Tiny Diamond doesn't see her.

Everything was going great until Tiny mentioned the "Dad-cathalon."

It is supposed to be a racing competition between all of the dads in TrollsTopia.

And I have a feeling that Guy Diamond  is not going to do great in this activity.

Poppy spins a wheel to see what challenge that dads are going to do. And it appears that the wheel stops at the white water rafting.

The dads get in their rafts and flow along the river.

It was going smooth until Guy Diamond accidentally flows to another path, which is called the "The Flaming Whirlpool of Doom" path.

This is not good. So my friends and I run over towards the whirlpool with the flame inside it.

And there we see Guy Diamond getting pulled into the current.

"Hey, hey, hey, Daddy's friends? What's wrong with Daddy?" Tiny Diamond asks.

We all look at each other with hesitation and nervousness.

"Uh, Tiny, the truth is, your Daddy might not be quite as good at all this Dad stuff as he was letting on." Holly says nervously.

Guy Diamond started to flow closer to the flame.

"Daddy! Your Daddy-friends already told me everything! You gotta get out of there!" Tiny diamond shouts to Guy Diamond.

"But this isn't how I wanted this to go, Tiny! You're my little boy, and I want you to keep on believing I can do anything! So you don't lose your hero!" Guy Diamond shouts back.

"Lose my hero? Oh, I already know there's plenty of things you can't do, Daddy." Tiny Diamond says.

"Huh? You do?" Guy Diamond asks in confusion.

"Yeah! Remember when you built my bike? And I know you spray glitter on your bold spot. And I also know that your calves ain't real." Tiny Diamond says.

Wait, what?

"But I don't care about any of that. There's only one reason you're my hero, Daddy. Because you're my Daddy." Tiny continues.

Aww! This is so beautiful!

"Really? Then what in the hair am I doing in this canoe? Get me out of here!" Guy Diamond says with fear.

"What do we do, ya'll?" Holly asks.

Just then, Tiny Diamond gets an idea. "Be yourself, Daddy! Your pampered, fabulous self!" He shouts to Guy Diamond.

Guy Diamond gets where Tiny Diamond is getting at and starts to sing.

Guy's singing attracts the birds, which then fly him out of the whirlpool just in time.

"You did it, Daddy!" Tiny Diamond says.

"Yes, but this holiday has been a disaster. Sorry, Tiny. Maybe Dadurday isn't for us." Guy Diamond says sadly.

"Sure it is, Daddy. We've just got to do it our way. The diamond way." Tiny Diamond says.

Well, everything ends great, with Guy Diamond and Tiny Diamond spending time with each other the diamond way.

And although Dadurday isn't really a big holiday for me, I still get to hang out with some of my friends.

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