Laguna Tidepool and the Lost Game Room

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Val's POV

Poppy and I are showing Holly, R, and B around the library. Poppy knows this library better than me, so I just followed her.

During the tour, we found Laguna, who opened a secret book shelf.

And Poppy was confused on how Laguna knew about this.

I was confused as well.

"I see you're confused. Upon arrival in TrollsTopia, my research led me to discover these secret scrapbooks, which detail the whereabouts of a hidden chamber of recreation." Laguna explains as she shows us one of the books.

"You don't mean..." Poppy starts to say.

"The lost game room?!" Poppy, Holly, R, and B ask in unison.

"But I thought that was just a campfire story, y'all. Hot dang!" Holly says with excitement.

"Oh, yes. This dang is indeed hot. But time is of the essence, because the door to the game room only opens for one day once every hundred years." Laguna says.

"Only one day?" Rhythm asks.

"Shoot, ancient game room always starting some drama." Blues says afterwards.

"Indeed. And how's this for drama? That day is today." Laguna says.

"Today?" I ask in surprise.

"Stop right now!" Rhythm says.

"I can't take all this drama." Blues says.

"So you see I have no choice but to summon my courage, seize the moment...and quietly complete my research." Laguna says before continuing to read the book in front of her.

"Complete your research?!" We all shout.

"Laguna, I know that you're the kind of troll who like to be prepared, but you just said you only have today to find the room." Poppy says to Laguna.

"But thorough research is the only guarantee of success. Why do you think I took three years to choose the right hat?" Laguna asks before pointing on top of her head.

"Uh, there's no hat." I say to Laguna.

"I'm still researching." Laguna says.

"Listen, Laguna. We feel you. As scientists, B and I are all about research." Rhythm says.

"But there comes a time when you got to take everything you've learned, trust in yourself, and pick a hat, girl." Blues adds.

"Hmm. Your hat argument is sound. I am deeply torn, tension bubbling inside...stress mounting- I am persuaded." Laguna says to us.

We all cheer and start to leave the library.

"Just a few more pages." Laguna says before going back to her book.

"Laguna!" We all says before pulling Laguna out of the library.

We are in a submarine right now, trying to look for the entrance to the lost game room.

"We're close, friends. The entrance to the game room should be just over that ridge." Laguna says to us.

And as expected, there was the entrance.

We stare at it in awe before going inside.

The submarine rises out of the water and we get out while looking around.

Laguna looks through her book before pointing at one of the many tunnels. "Through there." She says.

We walk into the tunnel, but stop when we reach the edge of a pit with sharp rocks at the bottom.

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