Smooth Operator

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Hi everyone, This is the first episode for season 2. Well technically this is episode 2. My friend requested for me to do episode 2 first. So this episode will contain spoilers if you haven't seen season 2 of TrollsTopia.

Val's POV

Everyone in the middle of choosing teams for a game of glitter-ball.

"Okay, for my glitter-ball team, my third first pick will be... Dante." Poppy says.

Dante flies over to Poppy's team.

I was on Thundershock's team. And now it was her turn to pick someone to join her team.

"And my fourth first pick will be... the mysterious figure in the shadows." Thundershock says.

We were all confused and look in the direction Thundershock was talking about, only to see a troll standing in the shadows playing a saxophone while standing on some sort of tiger.

The figure steps out of the shadows. It was...

"Chaz? The Smooth Jazz Troll?" I ask in confusion.

"The one and only." Chaz says while winking.

Yeah, I know this guy is bad news.

"Jazzed to see you all again." He says afterwards.

"Uh, a Smooth Jazz Troll? Can someone tell me what's going on?" Thundershock asks in confusion.

"Oh,  I call recap-sies!" Biggie shouts. "Chaz the Smooth Jazz Troll is the bounty hunter who hypnotized Branch, Poppy, and me with his magical saxophone, only to be fended off by Val. And alongside was Hickory, who was actually two yodeling bounty hunters in a Country Western disguise. And then we all made up and partied together in Volcano Rock City. All clear now?" He explains.

"Crystal." Thundershock says.

"S great to see you again, Chaz. What brings you to TrollsTopia?" Poppy asks.

"Oh, nothing really. Just a bit of utter loneliness." Chaz says.

"Aww." Everyone, except for Thundershock and I say.

"Allow me to jazz-splain. You see, I am the only Smooth Jazz Troll there is. With no place to call my home. But then I heard of a glorious new city where every troll finds a place. And its name was TrollsTopia." Chaz explains.

"Well, that's exactly the kind of place TrollsTopia is. Welcome, Chaz!" Poppy says.

Before anyone can do anything, Thundershock stands in front of us."Whoa, whoa, whoa. Look, guys, as a Hard Rock Troll, I naturally question things, okay? Rules, conventions, and especially saxophone-wielding strangers with an eerie amount of chest hair." She says.

I have to agree with her. I don't really trust Chaz after what he did to Poppy and our other friends when we first encountered him.

"You can't just welcome him in. He tried to hypnotize you." Thundershock continues.

"Yeah, but just the one time." Biggie says afterwards.

"Besides, Thundershock, we should strive to welcome everyone, regardless of their past. I mean, Queen Barb tried to steal all the tribes' music and now she's like my bestie times infinity plus one, so...hmm?"Poppy says.

"Yeah, that's true. But no. I'm watching you, jazz boy." Thundershock says before walking away while glaring at chaz.

Once she left, Keith steps out of the crowd.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it, I am not cool with the jazz. It is so boring!" Keith says.

"Keith!" Poppy says.

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