Extra Tootering

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Val's POV

Right now, Poppy, Holly, and I are with with Guy Diamond as he was talking to us about smelly stickers.

It's cool how stickers are able to have an amazing scent.

Just then, Tiny Diamond walks in while blowing his air horns.

"Tiny, what's wrong? I can tell by the tone of your air horn that you're very upset." Guy Diamond says to Tiny Diamond.

"I'm and imposter, daddy. A fraud. I'm going to my room and never coming out." Tiny Diamond says before climbing into Guy Diamond's hair while crying.

"Tiny, what's on your mind, son?" Guy Diamond asks before taking Tiny Diamond out of his hair.

"I...I can't glitter, daddy." Tiny Diamond says sadly.

"Oh, well, that's okay. You're still a young glitter troll. I was a late tooter too." Guy Diamond says in reassurance.

"But my friends think I can do it. If they knew, I'm afraid they will think I was so weird. I'm fragile, daddy. Tender for real." Tiny Diamond says.

I feel really bad for Tiny Diamond right now.

"Oh, Tiny, there's nothing wrong with being different." Poppy says to Tiny Diamond.

"Yeah, take me for example." I say afterwards.

"Give it time, my boy. After all, you can't put the fart before the horse." Guy Diamond says.

"Yeah, maybe your right, daddy. It'll happen someday. And until it does, I'll just have to hide my true self from everyone. Play an endless game of pretend. Everywhere I go, my dark secret hanging over me like a disco ball that does not shine." Tiny Diamond says sadly.

"No! I can't take it anymore! If this is that important to you, Tiny, your father will not rest until we...get...that...glitter out!" Guy Diamond says in determination.

As the day went by, we have been helping Tiny Diamond get his glitter out.

And we've been doing that by having him experience exciting situations, like a DJ party, eating spicy food, and feeling an urge at the least appropriate times, like at a classical performance.

But sadly, nothing seemed to have worked.

We are now walking through TrollsTopia in defeat.

"I appreciate you daddy, daddy's friends, but rejection or my peers is inevitable. For real." Tiny Diamond says sadly.

"The problem is...your playing it too safe." We hear Thundershock say as she comes out from a bush.

"Thundershock? Wait, are you saying you have a solution to our glitter problem?" Poppy asks with hope.

"When I go on stage, and the crowd is like 'yeah,' I have no choice but to totally..." Thundershock says before pretending to play a guitar.

"I am both intrigued and confused." Tiny Diamond says.

"You've got to get in front of your friends and rock without a net. When it really matters, that's when you'll deliver." Thundershock says.

Tiny Diamond thought for a second. "Daddy, spread the word. Because it's about to get sparkling up in here!"

Well, Tiny Diamond did a little performance for TrollsTopia. And what surprised us was that he actually did a glitter fart for the first time!

We were so happy for him.

Right now, Poppy, Holly, Dante, and I are at Guy Diamond's house.

"Thank you all for helping my son. This calls for a toast. To Tiny!" Guy Diamond says to us.

Just then, a messenger bug flies into the house and drops off a letter.

After Guy Diamond read the letter, he gasps. "My son has run away! Into the dark heart of the forest! And there's a vicious storm brewing!"

This causes us to gasp.

And Dante hugs me in fear.

"Form a search party!" Poppy yells.

A lot of trolls are searching around for Tiny Diamond.

I was with Dante as we search as well.

"Val, how are we going to see through this dreadful storm?!" Dante shouts to me.

"I don't know. But we can't give up!" I say before looking around.

Just then, I look up and see a little tree house on one of the branch from a near by tree.

"Dante, there!" I say while pointing at the tree house.

"We must inform the others!" Dante says.

We both run back to the others to tell them that we found Tiny Diamond.

"Guys, Dante and I found Tiny Diamond!" I say to Poppy and the other trolls while pointing in the direction of the tree house.

Guy Diamond and the others are creating a plan for getting up to the tree house.

I decided to climb the tree to get up there. And that is what I do.

I also use a vine to help me climb up.

As I continue to climb, Guy Diamond glitter jets his way up to the tree house.

After a while, I finally climb into the tree house to see Tiny Diamond hugging his friends, who were inside of Guy Diamond's hair this whole time without me noticing.

"Did I miss anything important?" I ask as I land next to Guy Diamond.

"No, not much." Guy Diamond says.

Just then, the tree house started to shake violently because of the strong wind.

"Grab hold!" Guy Diamond says to us.

Guy Diamond grabs onto the kids while I hold onto Guy Diamond.

Guy Diamond starts to glitter jet us off of the tree house. But he ran out of glitter and we start to fall to our death.

"It's Tiny time! The Tiny remix!" Tiny Diamond says before holding onto Guy Diamond's hair. And he did the unexpected. He got his glitter.

Before we could hit the floor, Tiny Diamond glitter jets us down to safety.

"Tiny! You did it! You did it! For the record, I still love you if you couldn't. But I'm glad to not be dead." Guy Diamond says before hugging Tiny Diamond.

"Me too, daddy. For real. Tiny out!" Tiny Diamond says before blowing his air horns.

This was the most intense and amazing moment of my life.

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