Mouth Guitar

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Val's POV

Poppy took me to watch a concert by a rock troll named Blaze. He plays a...mouth guitar.

I have never heard of this rock troll before. And this is going to be my first time seeing his concert.

Once we made it to the concert, we also notice Minuet there as well.

"Minuet, can you believe this show?! Sorry, I'll calm down. No I won't!" Poppy says with excitement.

"Actually, Poppy, I just arrived. But it sounds like this 'Blaze' is quite the electric guitarist." Minuet says to us.

"Oh, he doesn't play electric guitar." Poppy says.

Just then, Blaze comes on stage. "Who's ready for an encore?!" He asks.

The audience starts to cheer.

Blaze begins to play his mouth guitar, which is basically just making guitar noises while playing an invisible guitar.

"He plays mouth guitar." I say to Minuet.

"So he just makes guitar noises? And trolls listen to it willingly? It is rather entertaining." Minuet says.

I guess she's right.

"Yeah, everyone says first." We hear Thundershock say from behind us.

Poppy, Minuet, and I turn and face Thundershock.

"Thundershock?" Poppy asks.

"Don't get me wrong. Nobody mouths a guitar like Blaze the problem is once he gets going, he never, ever, ever stops playing. Like ever." Thundershock says.

Really? I wonder if that's true.

As the days go by, Thundershock was right.

No matter what, Blaze is always playing his mouth guitar.

And it's starting to get annoying to not only me, but to everyone else as well.

Poppy, Thundershock, and I are at Minuet's recital right now.

And things get bad when Blaze comes on stage and plays his mouth guitar.

I started to get annoyed. "Hey, Blaze, can you wait until after Minuet is done with her recital for you to play your mouth guitar?" I ask annoyingly.

"And deprive the world of my sound? Sorry, hate to turn down a huge fan..." Blaze starts to say.

"Since when was I-" I start to say, but get interrupted.

"But the Blaze craze is here to stay." Blaze finishes before continuing to play his mouth guitar.

I groan. "This guy is so inconsiderate." I say to Poppy and Thundershock.

"Yeah, I know." Thundershock says.

We all look back at Minuet to see her getting even more annoyed.

"Will you please stop?!" Minuet asks annoyingly.

"You're just jealous of my awesome skills. And that's skillz with a 'z'." Blaze says.

"Jealous? There is no skill I can't master." Minuet says.

"Wait, are you saying you want to challenge me to a battle of the mouth guitars? An epic throw down where in if you beat me, I have to give up mouth guitar forever? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying." Blaze says.

"Wow, that's weirdly specific." I say quietly.

"What?! That's not what I'm saying at all." Minuet says.

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