Funtography Day

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Val's POV

The Metroll System opens tomorrow!

And Branch had an idea for everyone to have I.D.'s for when they board the train. And there will also be a security system to know who is on the train.

Poppy agreed with that. Except for the security system part.

So, technically, we are having I.D. badges just for fun.

And getting I.D.'s means taking pictures. So Holly announced that picture day is going to be tomorrow.

Everyone was excited about it. All except for one. Minuet.

Minuet ran off. So Poppy, Holly, and I followed after her to see what was going on.

We go into the forest to see Minuet aggressively playing a violin.

"Um, Minuet? Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, you're, uh, going at that violin pretty hard." Poppy adds.

"What? I have no idea what you mean." Minuet says while nervously laughing.

Minuet kept playing the violin. But it soon came to a point where Minuet played the violin too hard that it broke it in half.

"Oh, who am I kidding?! It's this infernal Picture Day!" Minuet shouts in frustration.

"Wait. Picture Day is what's gotcha all worked up? But Why?" Holly asks in confusion.

I agree with Holly. Why is she so stressed over Picture Day?

"Because, for my entire life, I have never been able to take a good picture. Ever!" Minuet answers.

"Oh, come on, that can't be true." Holly says.

I was about to agree.

But Minuet shows us a lot of photos of herself. And Minuet doesn't really come out well in these pictures.

"You see, I am a first chair violinist, I speak 17 languages. I have mastered any skill I put my mind to, but when it comes to posing for a picture, I am helpless!" Minuet says in defeat.

"Aw, Minuet. Listen, who's to say whether a photo is good or bad? But you are awesome either way, so who cares, right?" Poppy asks Minuet.

Minuet thinks for a few seconds. "Yes, you're right, Poppy, who cares if I can't do this one thing. this one simple thing, so simple, in fact, that young children can do it, but I can't! That's fine with me!" She starts to freak out.

Minuet then pulls out a violin and starts to play it, while using her hair to play two more violins and crash cymbals together.

She is definitely stressed.

We decided to have Guy Diamond help Minuet with taking a great picture. Since he is the master at taking wonderful pictures.

Guy showed us his gallery of pictures. Well, he likes to call it his guy-llery.

He shows us so many ways to help take a picture. Like having a fan blow your hair and for him, waxing his skin helps him shine brighter.

But one picture got the help from something different.

Guy says, "It was taken during a very special time when the light is absolutely ideal. Golden second."

We were surprised by this.

"Yes, golden second. A rare and fleeting moment when the cosmos aligns, wraps you in its unknowable wonder and whispers... 'Say cheese.' Of course, no one can predict when a golden second will happen." Guy says.

"Even so, I had no idea there were so many ways to improve the quality of a photograph. Guy, will you help me on Picture Day?" Minuet asks.

"I will be honored to be your guide. Or as I call it, your Guyde.

It is now Picture Day and it's Minuet's turn to take her picture.

Poppy, Guy, Holly, and I help Minuet in taking a lot of pictures.

We do this for a while until there was a big pile of photos on the ground.

But when we finished, there wasn't even a single photograph that was good. And Minuet started to loose hope.

But for some reason, the wind started to blow and the sky had a slight tint of gold.

It's the golden second.

Guy told Minuet to take her place on the photo booth.

The sun started to shine down on Minuet and she started to glow very brightly. That's when they took Minuet's picture.

The photo came out and it was actually a beautiful photograph.

"At last. I've conquered the one skill I could never master. I must take a closer look." Minuet says as she flies over to Guy, who is holding the picture.

But before she can grab it, the fan falls off the stand and turns on. This blows all of the pictures, including the perfect one, everywhere.

"Grab that picture!" Minuet shouts.

Everyone runs around in search for Minuet's picture. But we couldn't find.

But before we can loose all hope, Minuet spots it on the train tracks.

She grabs the photo, but it was stuck under the track. So she was pulling on it, hoping it would get unstuck.

And things got worse when we heard the train coming straight for Minuet.

We all started shouting for minuet to get off the train tracks.

"Please, Minuet! It's not worth it! You've gotta get outta the way of that train!" Poppy shouts to Minuet.

"Train?" Minuet asks in confusion. She now notices the train coming right for her.

But, thankfully, she gets out of the way. But the perfect picture was ripped to shreds.

"What? What am I doing?" Minuet asks herself.

"Minuet, are you okay?" I ask as Poppy, Holly, Guy, and I run up to her.

"Am I okay? Val, I nearly let myself be steam rolled by a locomotive, all for a 4 x 3 glossy. Does that behavior sound okay to you?" Minuet asks while freaking out.

"Oh, I guess not." I say.

"Well, I certainly hope you 'guess not.' This madness needs to stop right now. Here. This one. This will be my train badge photo. Let's be done with it." Minuet says as she gives me a photo from the pile of her old pictures.

We were confused.

"Wait, are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. Because you know what? I am a first chair violinist. I speak 17 languages. As you guys said before, good photo or bad, I am awesome either way." Minuet says.

"Well, hot dang! You go, girl!" Holly says.

"That said, it won't be easy being the only troll to ride the train with a bad photo." Minuet says sadly as she holds her picture.

"You know, Minuet, maybe riding the train won't be as hard as you think." Guy Diamond says.

We had the idea for everyone to take silly photos for their badges.

That was a great idea.

For my photo, I got feathers from Echo and put them in my hair. I smiled while sticking my tongue out and winking.

This has made Minuet so happy.

At least no one is ever alone in any situation like this.

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