Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry that this chapter was a little late! Anyways, Just pretend that I was not lazy, and that I wrote about Peggy and John getting together. They are dating now. Please enjoy my absolute garbage!
Thanks for reading.

Peggy POV:
The day after John ran out screaming, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I happily said yes.
We were watching a movie together, holding hands, when Alex walked in.

"I am sick of walking in on this!" He said, spotting me and John holding hands. I laughed out loud. That was the fourth time he had said that. Me and John were happy together. But I was secretly stressed out about the virus.

It had gotten a whole lot worse, another form of the virus had just come out. I was worried, but I knew that I had John. Alex had gotten out to get grocery's, and I went to the kitchen to get food. Food is good.

"Alex, did you get chips?" John yelled from the couch, where he refused to get up from. (A/N grammar?) "Damn it!" Alex yelled back. "I knew I forgot something!" I laughed. "John, you will live!" I yelled to him. "Will I though?" He asked. We all laughed.

There was a knock on the door. I opened it. A woman in a red dress. "Hello." I said. "Hello. My name is Maria Lewis. I need your help."

"Of course." I said, a bit confused. Out of all people staying here, she came to me? It made no sense. But she looked needy, so I let her in. She had tear stains on her face, and was clutching her arm.

"Have a seat." I said, and helped her to a chair. She burst into tears. "I am so sorry." Maria sobbed. "Shh. It's okay." I said, and rubbed her back. I barely knew this girl, and I already had an urge to help her. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" John and Alex were in the kitchen, doing god knows what, so we had the needed privacy for her to share.   ( A/N: Grammar times two?) "okay." She said, and started.

"I was at my dorm, watching tv. I don't have any dorm mates. This guy, James Reynolds, Just barges into my room. He is a known bully, and tries to hurt me. I obviously try to protect myself, and shove him away. He starts to beat me up, until I run out of my dorm. I came here. You see, I'm close friends with Angelica Schuyler-" "My sister!" I cut her off. "Sorry." I apologize. "It's fine." She says.

"Go on." I said. I really want to help her.

"When she left school for home, she told me that if I had an emergency to go here." She finished. "Wow." I say, shocked. "You are so lucky you got away." She really was lucky. At that moment, Alex and John walked in.

"What is the matter?" John asked, staring down at me, looking shocked, and Maria, sobbing into her hands and gasping for breath. "You know what." He said. "I don't wanna be involved in girl drama." He backed out slowly. Me and Maria both chuckled slightly.

"Maria, thank you for coming. And I don't mean to be that cringe, corny person, but you can come to me anytime." Maria looked up at me, and wiped her tears. "Thank you." She said. "I appreciate it." I hugged her, even though I have never met her, because she looked like she needed it.

"You know what, we have no room here. Otherwise I would ask you to stay here, but I have a key for my sisters room, and you can stay there. They will be fine with it. If James Reynolds asks, then we will say that you left because of the Virus."

Maria stood up, wiped her remaining tears, and hugged me again. "Thank you, Peggy." She said, took the key to Angie and Eliza's room, and left. Alex came in, looked at me, and said "So what did I miss?"

A/N: Thanks for reading! Give me a comment telling me if I should include James Reynolds in my next chapter!
Love you guys!

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