Chapter 22

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A/N: Okay, My break is over! I'm ready to keep writing. Again: prepare for my millionth plot twist, although it's probably not a big deal anymore because I keep doing plot twists. Go ahead and read.

Peggy POV:
We were packing up the last box. Since I tested positive for being pregnant, we had bought a new house and had almost moved into it. John came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You okay?" He said. "Yeah." I put a hand on my stomach.

I was eight months in, adding however long I had this baby before I got tested. We chose not to know the gender, and to let it be a surprise. Our boy names were Alex, Marc, and Hercules, after our friends.

Our girl names were, of course, Angie, Betsy, and Maria. My prosthetic arm hung at my side, and I wondered if I was stable enough to give birth. With my arm, and don't forget that I had brain damage a few years back.

John could sense I was tense and kissed my shoulder. "It'll be fine." He said. We moved the last box into our new house, and started unpacking. All day was spent shopping, unpacking, and searching for certain things we knew we had, but could not find.

My phone rang. "Hey, Ria." I said. "Pegs." She sounded stressed and I put it on speaker. "Your on speaker with John. What's wrong, Ri?" She audibly took a deep breath and said "James. It's James Reynolds. Come, he has a gun." And she hung up.

John looked at me wide eyed and said "check Snap. Where is she?" I opened my Snapchat and tracked her. We got in the car and found her, in an alleyway, hiding from an approaching James Reynolds, holding a gun. "STOP!" I yelled, getting out of the car and using my one good arm to hold his gun hand above s his head.

"And you think that your going to stop me?" He asked, laughing. He grabbed me around the throat with one hand, weakening me enough so I would release my grip on his hand. He threw me to the ground, and John came out of nowhere. He punched him in the face, knocking him over. I got up, having regained oxygen, and I kicked him in the stomach.

John held his arms down while I helped Maria into the car. After she was safe in there, I dialled 911 on my phone. "What's your emergency?" Said a voice from the other end of the phone. "Hello. My friend just got chased down by a man with a gun. We have him here."

There was silence. "Okay, what's your location?" Said the voice calmly. "Wall Street and Broadway" I said (pretend that that's a real thing) "police are coming right over." Said the voice.

In no less than a minute, police were spreading down the road towards us. "This is him." John told the officer, allowing them to handcuff James and take his gun. They also took Maria, because she was bleeding badly.

I felt something. I must have gasped pretty loudly, because John came over to me. "Peggy, what's wrong?" He asked. I started shaking out of nerves. "Peggy, talk to me."

I looked him in the eye and placed a hand over my stomach. "My water just broke." I managed to mutter. John started shaking as well. "Okay, well we will get you to the hospital." I shook my head.

"I don't know if I can." I said. "It really hurts." He helped me get up and into the car. He drove me straight to the hospital, which was closer to our location than our house, so we were lucky with that. Because the baby was coming. Fast.

They rushed me into a hospital room, and in 30 minutes our baby girl had come. "So? What's her name?" Angie, who had come around 10 minutes ago, asked us. "Caroline." Said John. We decided to name her after my therapist, who did a lot for me after the head trauma and arm situation.

"That's lovely." Said Angie, taking Caroline from John's arms and rocking her gently. Eliza and Alex came rushing in. "How-" Eliza started, before seeing the baby and saying. "How come YOU can give birth so fast?"

We all laughed and Alex tickled a baby Phillip. "Her name is Caroline and she is perfectly healthy." I informed them. "Great." Said Alex.

Two days later, Caroline could come home. Since we were not ready for our baby to come so soon, we had nothing prepared for her. I sent John out to get the crib and some clothes, while I borrowed blankets from Eliza.

I sat in the living room, on the floor because there was no couch yet, and stared down at my baby. She had big brown eyes, from me. She had lots of small freckles, from John. And she had a little bit of dark brown hair from the both of us.

She drifted off to sleep as I rocked her.

A/N: Thanks for reading and have a great day!!

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora