Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this was a little  late. Anyways, the last chapter was a little mature. So, sorry I didn't give you a warning! I did not know I was gonna include James and Maria until I wrote it!
Enjoy reading my random, boring garbage!

Alex POV:

The virus was over. Finally.

It has been two weeks since Peggy and John started dating. It was getting old. Now, it was not old, like, they were all lovey and stuff. They were like close friends that made out and just, you know, were in love.

Anyways, what was getting old was being the only single person here. Angie and some butt named Thomas started going out, Peggy and John were dating, Laf and Herc were dating, and Maria refused to break up with James. I think he abuses her.

It was me and Eliza. We were the only single people left. Hmm, maybe that's why everybody in this dorm ship us. I don't really know what that means, all I know is that "Ship" has been mentally connected to "Relationship" in my mind. I assumed all humans thought we would be cute together.

Angie, Eliza, Peggy, Laf, Herc, Thomas, Maria, John and I were all packed into one dorm, I because it is most fun here. We watch movies, make forts, eat junk food, cook, shop, and gossip. And a lot of other random stuff.

I would not say I have a crush on Eliza. I would say that I have been mentally persuaded into finding Eliza, the only single girl left on campus (Not actually), attractive. Others would say, yes, I may have a crush. Eliza was not the crybaby everyone took her to be. She was actually a determined woman, with a burning passion for freedom.

Today, it was raining buckets. We could not get out, even if we wanted to. So, we made 10 bowls of popcorn, sat in a million blankets (not really, about 4 each.), and watched reruns of Full House, and I Love Lucy. The only thing that all of us agreed on was that the oldies are the goodies.

I was sitting next to Eliza, and I was probably red as a tomato. I have not figured out my feelings for her, but the fact that everyone was going "ooh." At is now was not helping. Eliza was blushing a red equal to mine. I did not know if it was because all attention was on us, or if she liked me back. Either way, everyone  should leave us alone.

"Guys, pay attention!" I said and pointed at the TV. Everyone's head snapped to the TV, where Full House was currently playing. I smirked, and Eliza mouthed "Thank You." To me, and gave me a smile that could have lit up the room.

Peggy and John started kissing for no reason.

They were annoying.

But we love them.

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