Chapter 6

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A/N: It's official! I have forgotten my whole "chapter every 3 days" thing. I love writing this story, and I will write REALLY often. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the huge JEGGY ship that is about to sail!

Peggy POV:
Me and John decided to go on a walk. It was the night after the sleepover. Nothing had happened. EXCEPT THAT I HEARD ALEX AND 'LIZA CONFESS THEIR LOVE TO ONE ANOTHER! All of my ships were sailing right now.

It was 10:30 at night. John wanted to walk to this park he loved. I said okay, mainly because I need to get out of our CRAZY dorm. We came to a park that looked out on a lake. It was beautiful and night.

John leaned over a put his arm around my waist, dragging me closer. I smiled at him, and he lightly kissed me.

I pull away and laugh. We laugh for no reason. Romance has never been that appealing to the both of us, but you would never know it. We just love each other. Wait- No love! Am I in love? No way! Am I? Ugh. Life is confusing.

We start talking about our friends. Which turns into who we will be friends with in the future. Which somehow turned into us talking about our future together. And somehow-I don't know how but I loved it- that turned into us shaking hands, saying we would get married in 5 years.

Gosh, I can't wait five years.

John POV:
Me and Peggy raced back to our dorm, laughing our heads off. Damn, that girl is fast. We stop outside our dorm, and I miss her. She smiles into the kiss, I love it.

Wait- Do I love her? Maybe. Somewhere deep down I know she's the one. Technically, we are engaged now. Just, not officially. We said we will get married in five years. so we, yes, may or may not have just gotten engaged. Wow.

When we got back into the dorm,everyone was sleeping. In the same beds, with the same people, as last night. Me and Peggy got into pyjamas, and lied down. Peggy fell asleep instantly. God, everyone here is so tired today.

I stared at Peggy. I loved her. I had no secret that I really did love her. Oof. I'm cringing at myself. Get a grip, John. I stared at Peggy until I fell asleep. "I love you, Peggy." I whispered to her. "I love you too." She whispered, smirking at me. Damn, she was awake. Oh well.

A/N: OH MY GOD THE CRINGE!!!!!! I really wanted some Jeggy in here, guys. I may have gone a little over board. That's just what I feel they would do. Sorry for all the cringe.
Thanks for reading! the next chapter will be out tomorrow. Count on it. 11 AM, tomorrow morning the next chapter is out!
Thanks again for reading!

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora