Chapter 20

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A/N: I said this in the last chapter, but beware. The BIGGEST plot twist is about to come, and....

Peggy POV:
Today was the day. Today was the day of the wedding. I was in my dress, my face covered in make up, my hair done up and the bouquet in my hands.

I could not stop smiling, but something felt wrong. There were supposed to be 47 guests, all of which were packed into her family's blooming garden. John was at the front with the priest, and Catherine and Ren had already walked down the aisle.

Angie and Eliza in their matching yellow dresses walked down the aisle hand in hand, my maid and matron of honour. There was someone there who should not be, though. In the front row was James.

Not James Madison. James McHenry. In high school James had compared me to my sister, naming her sister as Mrs. Carter, after her boyfriend who had changer his name.

He had compared me in a foul way, causing me to need mental therapy. But I'm not going let this one guest change my spirit. It had been almost 9 years since he had bullied me, maybe he had changed and that's why he was at mywedding.

It was time. Phillip, my younger brother was the one walking me down the aisle, for dad had taken serious injury to his legs and could not walk. Sammy followed behind me, on a white leash decorated with yellow flowers. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of John, his eyes sparkling and a child like grin on his face.

I smiled and bit my lip. All I remember is saying "I do" and hearing those words out of Johns mouth. After the vows, the priest said "Who gives this woman to this man." Dad and mom stood up, and Angie and Eliza stood next to them.

"My sisters, brothers and our parents do." Said Angie, and they sat back down again. "Are there any objections to this marriage?" The priest said, and nobody said a word. "Then I now give you Mr. and Mrs. Laurens. You may kiss." He said.

Me and John kissed, and the crowd cheered. Right after we broke away, I noticed something. "John-" I said, but it was too late. The axe came out of no where, barely missing my head, but hitting my arm.

There was blood. A lot of blood. Tears streamed down John's face and James ran for it. Alex and Angie went after him and Eliza called an ambulance.

I caught a glimpse of my arm and John's face before everything was gone.


I woke up on a hospital bed. I had no memory of what happened. I heard a sob. John was sitting next to be, his head in his hands. "Sup John." I said weakly. "Pegs!" He said.

He but his lip. "What?" I asked. I felt a strong pain in my arm. "What!?" I said, seeing my arm. Or, what was my arm. There was only my shoulder.

"What the fu-". But it was no use. There was nothing anyone could do. "I'm sorry Pegs. They had to get it off, it could have been infected." My eyes were swarming with tears, and I nodded. "How am I supposed to... to work??" I asked, though it was a silly question.

"Well it can't grow back." Said Eliza. I did not even notice she was there. "Liz!" I yelled. She came over and hugged me. I tried to hug back.

"Miss Schuyler?" Said a voice from the doorway. "It is Mrs. Laurens now." I said, looking at John. "Mrs. Laurens." The person corrected themselves. "I am Doctor Cole Emopro. I am a specialist for... situations like this." I nodded.

Time skip brought to you by the adorable thought of John crying

John was driving me home as I attempted to move the metal attached to my shoulder. Yes, I had a prosthetic arm. (🦾). And I was getting used to it. I worked with the specialist, though I was in the hospital for a week and a half trying to fit the prosthetic and work it.

That night, John wanted to watch a movie that he said would cheer me up and that was his favourite movie as a kid. We watched a movie called Dolphin Tail, which I fell in love with. (A/N: Yes, people. That's where I got my name from.)

It was about a boy named Sawyer, and he found a dolphin who had to get her tail removed just like I had to get my arm removed and it was sooo cute!!

(Credits to Warner Bros. And the cast of Dolphin Tail, because this is a real movie and the people who worked to make it are incredible.)

"Do you feel better about it? I mean, your arm?" John asked, kissing my hand. "Yeah. I am JUST like Winter!!" I said. (The dolphins name was Winter.)

"Great." Said John. "Hey... we missed our honeymoon." I said, suddenly concerned that this was a bad omen for our marriage."

John looked at me. "Yeah. We did. But it was all because of that jerk who tried to kill you." He said, jumping up. "Why did we invite him?" I remembered something. "We did not invite him." I ran over to the kitchen to get a piece of paper. "Read the guest list.  His name is James McHenry." John asked "You know him?" "He bullied me in high school." I said.

John's eyes travelled down the guest list. "Angelica, Eliza, Alex, Cathrine, Ren, Martha, Cathrine, Your mom and dad, my mom, Jamie, Eleanor, Thomas, Laf, Herc, J. Madison, Sally, Randall, Phillip Jr (A/N: not Phillip Hamilton, ppl. Phillip was the name of Peggy's brother.) Henry S, Katie, Nala, Mr. Washington, Maria, Theo, Georgia, Burr, Eacker, Charles, Carleigh, John Adams, Samuel, Lianne, Emily jr, Carter-Church, Martha W, Ema H, Tessie Jr, Marc L, Kristy Vickers, Adam N, Bill, Brian V,  and Rosalin Thorne." He read all the names out loud.

"All childhood friends and family." I say. "No James McHenry on here. Gosh I have not seen the guy for like 9 years. It's creepy how he suddenly tracked me down and tried to kill me."

John looked thoroughly concerned. "Peggy, we should hide you."
I could do nothing but nod. I attempted to bend my prosthetic fingers, failing yet again.

A/N: O am just lazy ppl sorry that was wierd and not dramatic enough, but I want the next chapter to be cute so you guys can look forward to that.

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficWhere stories live. Discover now