Chapter 16

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A/N: I had SO much fun writing this!! Thanks to @Kiera_Schuyler for suggesting and giving me the ideas for this chapter! And also thanks to everybody who reads this, you are all important in my life. :)
Please enjoy reading!

John POV:
It has been exactly two days and three nights since I was drunk at Eliza and Alex's wedding, and I was still hungover. Me and Peggy had had the most drinks that night, and everyone else was fine but us.

Angie has been really helpful while me and Pegs are dealing with this, but she refuses to tell me what I did that night. I can not remember anything.

It was at that moment that a notification dinged on my phone. It was Herc texting me. He had sent me a video, and I decided to watch it, even though the small and bright screen of my phone hurt my head even more.

The video was taken the night of the wedding. The camera was shaking because of how much Herc was laughing. In the video were Angie and me. Angie was wrestling me into a room as I cried for Peggy. Eventually, Ang got me into my bed but I spent about 20 minute crying for Peggy. The video was about half an hour long, and I could not help but laugh at my drunk self.

Peggy came into my room, and I turned off my phone. "Hey." She said. "Hi, Pegs." I said. "Whatcha looking at?" She asked. "I will send it to you. It's hilarious." I said, still laughing a little. "Do you know where the pills are?" She asked. "I have a horrible headache." I reached over and got the pills form our bedside table. I handed them to her. "Thanks, babe." She said.

I watched as my Peggy walked out of our room, still marvelling at the fact that we were engaged to be married. Herc came into my room, laughing his brains out. "Did you see it?" He laughed, tears coming out of his eyes. "Very funny." I said. "I'm posting it." He yelled, taking out his phone. "Don't! Herc!" I yelled, chasing him down the hallway.

I cornered him in the kitchen, but could not grab his phone away before he clicked post on the video. A notification came up on my phone, correcting me on the fact that it was now on the internet. I looked at it. It was captioned "my best friend was drunk and crying for his girlfriend." And the first half of the video was playing.

"Take it down!" I yelled, playfully hitting him until he was left on the ground, laughing like crazy. I grabbed his phone and took it down, but not before everyone in the house saw it.

"I can not believe you." Thomas said. "Crazy thing is that I faintly remember it." He walked away, probably to send it to Eliza and Alex. They would find it funniest of all.

I glared at Herc, deleting the video so he could not re-post it, before running upstairs.
I ran into Peggy, who had her hand over her mouth and was giggling like mad. "What the hell, John?" She said, showing me the video on her phone. "Could you really not bare to spend one drunken night without me?" And she ran away laughing. I chased her around the house until I had to stop for breath.

I sat down on the sofa, and Peggy came to check on me. "You good?" She said. "Yeah, I'm fine. Your just the second person I have had to chase around today." She smirked. "You have been chasing me for five years, dude." She said. I chuckled. "Then stop running." She sat down next to me and I took her phone, deleting the video. "Aw. I wanted to play that at our wedding." She said, and laughed again.

Angie came in. I looked at her, and said "if I don't make it to the wedding, tell the cops it was Margarita Schuyler." Angie grinned. "I would be more worried if you did not come back from the honeymoon." She said. "In that case, tell the cops it was Peggy Laurens." Said Peggy, smirking. Angie smiled and rolled her eyes.

"How am I the oldest sister, yet I am the last one to get married?" She said, storming out and yelling "Thomas!" Me and Peggy burst out laughing, getting up and walking into the kitchen. Herc looked at us, still chuckling.

"I hate you." I said, pointing at Herc. "And I hate hangovers." Said Peggy, running to the bathroom to throw up for the millionth time. When she came back, I kissed her hand. "You okay, baby?" I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy. "What, are you kidding? I'm fine." She said.

"For the record, you deleted from my phone the best video I would ever have taken." Herc said sadly.

A/N: Thanks for reading. Sorry that my grammar sucks, I try my best. Thanks so much for reading, next update will be soon!

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