Chapter 29

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A/N: 2k READS!!! That's an accomplishment for me, so let's celebrate with a name reveal!! My name is Callie, after California. Don't ask me why. Anyone who reads my story 'adopted by the Hamilton cast' will know that my main character is based on me. Thanks so much to the two thousand ppl who read this story I love you all each individually and you are so unique and special and I'm not lying, guys. Because you all are very important to me. Please enjoy this chapter!!

Peggy POV:
Today was the day of Angie's wedding. Me and John had to wake up at 6 am, quickly eat toast for breakfast and then drive with Cary down to the hotel by 7:45. We split up, Me and Cary going to Angie's suite, and John going to find some of the other guests.

Me and Cary knocked on Ang's hotel door, and she said "come in!". We walked inside, said hello, and the preparations began. I put on my pink bridesmaid dress, and was tying my hair up when Eliza walked in. Eliza had come from uptown for the wedding. She started helping Ang with hair and makeup and I helped Cary get her white flower girl dress on.

Finally, after an hour, I was dressed and ready, Ang was made up and almost ready, and Eliza was putting on her matching pink dress. We helped Angie into her gown, and we strapped on our shoes and handed out the flowers before walking into the lobby and meeting with the rest of the party. JC and his best men were outside, waiting for the wedding to begin.

We met with dad and our family, and started to go outside. We saw the beach side wedding set up, and it was just perfect. Me and Eliza walked down the aisle together, as matrons of honour, and stood on the side of the platform that Angie would be. The music had started, and everyone looked happy.

Angelica Jr and Cary started down the aisle, Cary throwing the flowers cutely around her, and Angelica walking next to her. And then Angelica walked out. She looked gorgeous, her hair braided back, her eyes glimmering, and her dress flowing around her. I started to tear up, and when I looked over at Eliza, she was grinning and tears were spilling from her eyes.

Angelica finally reached the platform, and we handed her the ring, while JC's best man handed him the other ring. I saw John in one of the seats, and waved at him. He waved back, smiling. As I listened to the vows, the eager "I DO." From JC and the reluctant, dry, "I do." From Angie. I touched my prosthetic arm, and slowly the feeling of reality sunk in.

Ang just signed a life bond with a man she simply did not even love. When the minister said "Who gives this woman to this man?" I thought about jumping in and stopping this whole thing, but Eliza shakily said "My family and I do." Eliza knew this was not what Ang would be happy with, but there was nothing to stop it now.

They kissed, and walked back down the aisle together. Ang was smiling. Maybe she did not care about being in love as much as I did. Maybe she just did not understand the feeling. Or, maybe the feeling was different for everyone, and this was Angie's love.

The after party was way too fancy. Hardly anyone was dancing, and if you were dancing, it was too slow, classical music. The drinks were not good, too sweet. And the different families were hanging around awkwardly on different sides of the lawn. (The after party was on a grassy field-like thing next to the beach.)

Angelica started dancing with dad, JC danced with his mom, and eventually I was dancing with John, Cary was play dancing with Angelica JR, and Lizzy was dancing with Alex, while Ang and JC danced together in the centre of it.

In no time, the wedding was over. We helped Ang and JC get in their car, and they drove off, on their was to the honeymoon in Hawaii, and we were left to clean up and undress. I changed and helped Cary change. As we were leaving in sweatpants and comfy t-shirts, we saw the last person I needed to see.

Miss Maria Reynolds.

John looked over at where I was staring and saw Maria, wearing a long, sleeveless, red dress with an inappropriate slit, showing her leg and a bit of stomach. She was carrying a gift and... was pushing a small stroller with a little baby in it.

John grabbed my arms and held me back. "Let me at her!!" I whisper screamed. John continued to hold me back. With Angie on her honeymoon, my protective sister instincts kicked in. That was not our biggest problem though. Theo, who had been in the back wearing a pale green two-piece dress, started coughing.

Then she started throwing up.

Then there was the blood.

There was screaming, Eliza yelling to everyone that she was calling 911 and everyone needs to stop yelling, and sirens. I had picked up Cary and she started crying in the chaos, and John had grabbed my hand and pulled us away from Theo.

Before I knew what was happening, I had put Cary down, rushed through the screaming crowd to the only person who was left dolled up. Maria.

I screamed at her, punched her, and pulled her hair. "This is for hurting my sister and my family." And I punched her so hard in the face, blood started dripping down her neck. Good. It served her right, and would match perfectly with her dress. People were screaming, paramedics had taken Theo and Liza had gone with her, and Maria was walking away with her baby.

I grabbed John's hand and we ran to the car with Cary, driving home before anything dramatic happened.

It was not a Schuyler Sister wedding without a traumatizing event, was it?

A/N: hopped you all enjoyed this! Inspired by a wedding I recently went to. Extremely violent. You don't wanna know the details. Have a great day everyone! ✌️

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