Chapter 19

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A/N: Okay, so this chapter is just going to be random, I apologize in advance.

John POV:
"Peggy!" I yelled. "Let's go!" I was buzzing with anticipation. Me and Pegs finally had our own apartment. We had moved all of the basic stuff into it, now it was just clothes.

"I'm coming!" Peggy yelled, dragging a yellow suitcase down the stairs, a yellow backpack slung over her shoulder. We got in the car and drove to the apartment.

(Time skip until after they got there and unpacked.)

The last one of Peggy's yellow tshirts were in the closet. I flopped down on the bed dramatically, causing Peggy to laugh. We heard a knock on the door.

Me and Peggy looked at each other before racing to the door. She playfully shoved me over so she could open it, and in the doorway stood Alex.

"Hey." He said. "Hii." Peggy said lying down on the couch. I noticed that Alex had a small cage in his hands. It was covered by a vibrant blue blanket, and there were rustling sounds coming from inside it.

"How's Liz?" Peggy asked. "How do you keep coming up with shorter names for Eliza?" I asked Peggy, causing Alex to chuckle. "Well, she's fine. Tired of throwing up at 3 am, but otherwise fine."

"Whatcha got there?" Peggy asked, noticing the box. "Oh. Yeah, this." He said. "This." He said, lifting the box dramatically. "Is a gift for Jeggy." He opened the cage and put it on the floor.

Out crawled the tiniest and cutest of puppy's known to man. "Oh my gosh!!" Peggy squealed, racing over and picking it up. It was white and fluffy with big brown eyes and little paws.

"I adopted him for you guys." Said Alex. "His name is Sammy." Peggy squealed again. "That's so cute! Why Sammy?" Me and Alex shared a grin. "Cause one time a guy name Samuel Seaburry was annoying the crap out of us and Alex told him 'my dog speaks more eloquently then thee.' So I assume that Sammy is short for Samuel because it is ironic that Alex said his dog speaks more eloquently than thee is thee is the dog." I said.

"Yeah." Said Alex, slightly startled. "Thank you!" Peggy said. "No problem. The rest of his stuff is in my car, I will go get it." Alex walked out. "Can Sammy please walk down the aisle with me?" Peggy asked. "No." I said, grinning.

"I almost forgot that you guys were getting married." Alex said, brining in a box full of the dogs stuff. "Yeah, two weeks." Peggy said.

(Time skip to the next week)

"John I am panicking!" Peggy yelled. Sammy came under her feet to try and help, but quickly ran away when Peggy screamed "John where the hell are you?!" I came out of the bathroom. "Chill. What's wrong?" I asked, holding her arms and looking into her eyes.

She held my shoulders and took a deep breath. "The church just cancelled our wedding time. They had another important event." I sighed. This was in no way good timing, we had 47 guests all coming to that church this Saturday, with the problem that there was no more church.

An idea popped into my head. "What if we get married in your parents backyard? They have a beautiful garden." Peggy sighed. It was adorable. "Fine. I am going to call the caterer, you start calling guests."

"Okay." She walked away, grabbing her cell and walking into the kitchen. I grinned a little, with the thought of marrying Peggy stuck in my mind.

A/N: WARNING. Major plots twist coming soon. Beware.

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficWhere stories live. Discover now