Chapter 11

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A/N: Don't panic!!!! DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!! I'm sorry.

Peggy POV:
My plan went well. Me, Eliza, Angie, John and Alex all donated a full pint of blood. Maria pulled through surgery, but had to be kept at the hospital for observation. The doctors were not sure what had gone wrong.

Eventually, night fell and nobody but me wanted to stay overnight. "Guys, come on!" I said, trying to convince someone to stay. "Fine!" John said. "I will stay with Peggy and Mar. The rest of you can go, see you in the morning." And he waved them off.

We went into Maria's hospital room, and sat down. "Thanks for staying." I said, looking at John and smiling.

"No problem. Besides, I was not about to let my girlfriend stay overnight at a hospital ALONE." We laughed. I don't know why it was funny, but we needed a laugh.

I must have dozed off at some point, because when I woke up, it was morning. "Hey." John said, noticing I was awake. "Hey." I said with a yawn.

"Angie, Theo and Eliza are coming later today." Said John. "Great." I said. "I'm starving, does this hospital have any decent food?" We got up and began our search for the cafeteria.

We found it. After five or six pieces of toast, we went back to Maria's room. She was still asleep. We sat in silence for a while before a doctor came in to check on her. We left, and waited outside. About an hour later, the doctor came out, looking grave.

"What is it?" I said, my heart skipping a beat. "My name is Doctor Olivia Ross." She introduced herself. "And I have some bad news." My breath caught in my throat. Something had gone wrong. I know it. "Ms Lewis has gone into a serious Coma."

A tear fell from my eye. John knew I could not ask the question. He asked for me. "Will she be okay?" He asked. "Most likely." Said Doctor Ross. "These things go wrong so quickly." I was soon crying, and gasping for breath.

"Sit down." She said. It was all a blur from there. John took me home at some point, and I just lied in bed, crying. My best friend might never wake up. And there is nothing I could do.

A/N: I am sorry. I enjoy writing, but I don't enjoy killing people and putting them in Comas. I'm sorry.

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficWhere stories live. Discover now