Chapter 17

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A/N: sorry for such a let update! Please enjoy.
WARNING!!!!!! Beware..... 😯

Angie POV:
The after party was wild. I was the only sober person here. Eliza and Alex were sitting at a table over looking the party (okay, they were sober as well.), Peggy and John were ferociously making out in a corner, Theo and Aaron had hooked up unexpectedly, and Laf and Herc were nowhere to be found.

Thomas, who was only slightly tipsy thanks to me, came over and squeezed my hand, noticing that I seemed tense. "What's wrong, love?" He said, kissing my cheek. "Alex and Liza are going on their honeymoon in an hour. That leaves me as the only sober person here. I will be responsible for cleaning up the mess everyone here make."

"First of all..." said Thomas. "You are not the only one. I am COMPLETELY sober." He said while swaying slightly. "And second, you don't have to clean up. Just get everyone home safely." I rolled my eyes because Thomas CLEARLY did not know the difference.

I took my hand back from him. I started on my job. Walking up to Peggy and John, I yelled them apart. "Hey!" Peggy yelled, to drunk to see clearly. I took her and Johns hand, and dragged them outside to my car. I threw them in and shut the door.

I marched back inside, and did the same for Theo, Aaron, Laf and Herc. I herd cheering, and walked out to say goodbye to Eliza and Alex before they left on their honeymoon. As soon as they left, I got into my car and drove everybody back to our house. House for now. It belonged to my father and mother, but it was something.

As soon as we got inside, I dragged Herc, Laf, John and Thomas up to one bedroom, and Peggy and Theo up to another. I helped Peggy change into pyjamas, and lied her down onto her bed, tucking her in so tightly she could hopefully not escape.

I then turned off the lights, said "Night Pegs." And left. I went to the boys room, where they were fighting with pillows. Thomas let out a war cry, tackling everyone onto the bed. I laughed, and so did they. I dragged John out, putting him into one of the many bedrooms. "NOOO." He groaned. "Why not?" I asked, trying to get him to lye down.

"I wanna sleep in my bed!" He said. "Too bad." I said, shoving him down. "NOO. I wanna sleep with PEGGY." I sighed. "You can't! Your drunk." I eventually shoved him into the wall, running out and closing and locking the door before he could escape.

I heard him crying behind the door, and ignored him. I went into the boys room, and grabbed Aaron, dragging him to a guest room. He did not protest. I merely put him into the room and shut the door, letting him out himself to sleep.

I did the same to Laf, then Herc. Then I let Thomas sleep in our bed. I took Theo to a guest room, and closed her in. I was exhausted. It was 1 Am by the time I was done wrestling everyone to bed.

I heard John crying. I went to his room, opened the door and said "what is it?". He looked up at me. "I WANT PEGGY!" He yelled. "No. You can see her in the morning." I said. He cried, but I heartlessly left.

I was too exhausted, so I went to me and Thomas's room. I lied down next to him, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Les boissons étaient bonnes." (A/N: Translation: the drinks were good.) I rolled my eyes at him before falling asleep.

The next morning, I woke up at 6 to Peggy screaming in pain. "What?" I asked her as I cam into her room. "Everything hurrrrrtts." She yelled. "That's cause you were drunk last night." I said calmly. "Whhhyyy?" She asked. "You tell me." I said. I walked downstairs and got a cold cloth. I sat on her bed and layer it on her forehead.

"What happened?" I heard from Theo's room. "I will be right back, Peg." I said. I walked to Theo. "Morning." I said. "What? What happened? Why don't I remember anything?" She asked. I sighed. "It's hard to explain, Theo. All I can say is that you are no longer single." She shot up in bed. "WHAT?" She asked. "Who am I dating?" I let out a laugh. "Aaron Burr." She seemed to RELAX at that news. "Oh, okay. Something I have been meaning to do for a while." She said. My eyes widened. "What?"

Before she could explain, I heard the others start to wake up. "I got to go help the others." I said. That morning was full of screaming, crying 25-year-olds, who were deeply hung over. I hoped that Alex and Eliza were enjoying their honeymoon, cause what I am in for better be worth it.

A/N: Okay. I can't stop cringing. Thanks for reading..?

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