Chapter 28

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A/N: I know it has been a while since I updated, so sorry. This will be more light-hearted compared to my other chapters. Please enjoy my garbage!!

Angelica POV:
Alexander and Eliza moved uptown. Eliza had her baby there. They named the baby Angelica, after me. I was also godmother. That would make her name Angelica Hamilton. That was the name I would write in my notebook in college.

Phillip's death left a toll on all of us, even poor, little Caroline seemed to know what happened to him. I was put to the task of talking her through what a funeral was, and all I could think was that it was an absolute miracle that she had not been shot.

The wedding had been postponed. JC knew that I had mixed feelings about everything that has happened. I wanted to get married... but JC was a rich guy that my dad had found for me. It felt forced. Not to mention that Phillip was going to be ring-bearer, and I really don't want to replace him.

But the wedding had to go on. Me and JC discussed it and we said that this Sunday was a perfect day for it. We called everybody, the caterer, the guests, our family's, and everybody was ready. I rushed around the house, making calls, getting ready, and picking things up and putting them back down while being increasingly nervous for the wedding to come.

My thoughts chased each other in my head. Was this to soon after Phillip's death? Was I making a wrong choice by marrying JC? Was I going to regret it? Would I ever have kids with him? Could I handle being married to him?

I did what I always did on the rare occasion I was stressed. I called Eliza. I dialled her number, and it rang twice before she answered. "Hey, hon." She said. "Liza!" I half squealed, half sobbed into the phone. I broke into tears right there in my kitchen. "Shhhhh." Liza hushed. "What's the matter, Angie?"

I wiped my tears. "I don't know what to do. We are rescheduling the wedding, as you know, and I'm not sure if I'm ready after Phillip, and I'm stressed about me and JC, and it's all crumbling down on top of me I can't do anything!"

Eliza patiently listened before saying calmly and softly "first of all, Phillip was so pleased to hear that his aunt Ang was getting married. He would have wanted you to keep moving forward instead of holding back. And for you and JC, nobody knows what's going to happen. I learnt that with me and Alex. But life is a journey. And you can either sit and stay still or you can keep going along the path, because something beautiful may be waiting at the end of it."

My sister was an angle sent down to earth. "Thank you Lizzy." I said, happy tears now spilling out of my eyes instead of sad ones. "I'm excited for this wedding. It will be fun."

"I look forward to it." Eliza said. "But I got to take a nap, this baby inside of me has kicked me like no tomorrow, I'm exhausted." She said, and I said "okay. Miss you. Love you so much." Before hanging up the phone.

Eliza had the magical way of making you feel batter immediately, and she was a blessing to everyone in her life. I was so lucky to have a sister like her.

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficWhere stories live. Discover now