Chapter 17

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A/N: Okay... Ummm... thank you to @AlivePringles for giving me the idea for this story and for all the comments that just made me laugh and smile. There is some drama in this chapter... so.... ummm.... yeah. Go ahead and read my trash.

Thomas POV:
Peggy and John were being cute. TOO cute. Yesterday their crazy hangover ended, so they were back to being loud and annoying. I did not care. Me and Ang were going out almost every night now, and it was starting to get serious.

Even though we lived in the same house, and shared a room, I wrote Ang letters. She loved getting them. I only had one problem. I could not figure out a way to tell her I was Bi. I did not think that it would matter to her. Hopefully not.

I took her out for lunch today. It was a nice cafe that we have claimed as our own, called 'top of the morning'. We sat down at our usual table and ordered. While we waited for our food, I took her hand and said "Babe, there is something I need to tell you." She looked up at me with wide eyes.

"What?" She asked, squeezing my hand and looking concerned. (A/N: Oh my goodness. GRAMMAR???) "I'm-"  I started, but was cry off by our food coming. Ang thanked the waiter and looked back to me. "Yes?" She asked. "Well, I hope that you don't hate me but I need to tell you that I am Bi." I said in a rush. "Okay." She said, eating her salad.

"Phew, I thought you would hate me-"  I said, but was cut off again by a man walking through the door. I jumped out of my seat. "James!" I exclaimed, and Ang looked suspiciously up at me. I sat back down, and cleared my throat. "Ahem. James, this is Angelica Schuyler, my girlfriend." Ang and James shook hands.

"Nice to meet you." James said. "Right back at ya." Ang said. "Hey, Thomas? Can I talk to you?" James said, gesturing outside. "Ummm... I am kind of in the middle of a date." I said. "No. Go. This seems important." Ang said. "Okay." I said, and me and James walked outside.

"Thomas, you said you were Gay, man." James started. Oh boy. This again. "I thought I was gay, Jamey. Until I fell in love with Ang over there." James glared at me. "Yeah, and you said to your dad that you thought you were straight until you fell in love with me, so..." he started walking away.

"James..." I called. "James I-"  but, for the third time today, my speech was cut off by James kissing me. I was shocked. Shocked at how good it felt. "Oh my gosh." I said when we finally pulled apart. "Yeah." Said a woman's voice from behind us. "I can't believe that I waisted my time on you." She started walking away.

"Ang!" I called, trying to run after her. She turned around, and I almost wished she had not. Her face was pure anger, and it was like she had never been happy. "Angelica." I said, but before I could say any more, she had punched me straight in the face. "Tommy!" James yelled, rushing to my aid. "We are so done, Thomas Jefferson." Ang said. "I am sick and tired of men treating me like crap." And she stormed off without looking back.

That night, I tried calling Ang seven times, but she had blocked me. James called me four times, and with each call he asked me to date him again. Every time I said that I needed to think about it. I had to go to a walk-in clinic, because my nose was fractured. That's how hard Ang could hit.

The next day, I woke up with a tremendous pain in my nose. I walked downstairs to make myself coffee, and there was a knock on my door. I pulled jeans and a T-shirt on, and went to answer it. It was James.

"What's up, Tommy?" He said, walking in. "What do you want?" I asked, and he replied "for you to go out with me." I rolled my eyes. "I told you that I am still thinking about it." Now he looked angry. "Your gay. You know it." He snapped. "Then how could I have loved Angie so much?" I yelled.

"Fine. Maybe your not ready. But you will be. Call me when you know you want to get together. I will be waiting." James said before leaving, closing the door behind him. I groaned and flopped onto my bed. Ang had kicked me out of the Schuyler house, so I was staying at my parents house. They had already left for work. I lied on my bed, thinking about my most recent relationships.

Did I ever have real feelings for Ang? Or was that just friendship? Was I willing to give James a shot? Or was he just playing tricks on my mind? I closed my eyes. I thought of how I felt for Angelica. That was amazing. Then I thought how I felt while I was dating James all those years ago. Almost six, that guy just can't let go.

Dating James was... the best feeling ever. I sighed, knowing that I would be weighed down by the fact that I just broke Ang because of how stupid I was. "Or she broke me." I though out loud, feeling a sharp pain through my nose.

I could not give Ang those years back, but I could give her an apology worthy of her greatness. I never deserved her, I should have known that from the beginning. I got up, taking out a pen and paper. I spent an hour writing Ang the most apologetic letter I could, and crying a little as I did. My tears made spots and blotches on the page, and I secretly hope that they would not dry, so Ang could see just how sorry I was.

After that, I called James. He did not answer, so I left him a voice message. "Hey James. I think I am ready to give things a shot. Call me." I hung up the phone and got In my car so that I could drop off the letter. I ended up leaving it on Ang's doorstep, and texting Peggy to tell her it was there. I drove back home and wondered if I had made the right decision, when Peggy texted me.

Peggy💛: Angie says that it's fine. She actually CRIED when she saw your tears on the paper. She says that she Is sorry for punching you, and hopes that you can forgive her.

Thomas💰: Everything in that letter was true. Tell her that I am very sorry, and that she does not need to apologize, I do.

I knew I had made the right decision. I was only holding Ang back.

A/N: Wow. I wrote that.(?) Sorry. I will include a chapter that is Thomas's letter to Ang, and the next chapter after that will be when Eliza and Alex come back from their honeymoon. Big surprise coming soon!

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