Chapter 9

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A/N: I have nothing to say! Except please enjoy!

Angie POV:
Me, Eliza and Theo sat in the hospital waiting room, awaiting news, good or bad, about Maria and Peggy's conditions. They had crashed into each other and fallen on concrete. Eventually, we had had enough.

"Excuse me!" I shouted, going up to the receptionists desk. "Hello." She said politely. How may I help you today?" I glared at her for being so calm. "My two little sisters-" "Two little sisters?" Eliza cut in. "Yes. Have endured serious and possibly fatal head injuries, and they still deny me entrance to see them."

The receptionist looked at me in a patronizing way. "Dear, I am sorry. But they need their quiet time. If you would like to come back in four to six days, you may have a short thirty minute visit-" I cut her off with a death glare.

"Listen up lady!" I yell at her. "Let me see Margarita Schuyler and Maria Lewis right now before I kill someone."

A doctor suddenly comes in. "Angelica Schuyler, Elizabeth Schuyler, Theodosia Bartow Prevost. Maria Lewis and Margarita Peggy Schuyler are requesting to see you." With one last apologizing look at the receptionist, who looked quite shook up, we ran off after the doctor.

We walked up three flights of stairs until we came to a hospital room with two beds. Here lie an unconscious Maria, and Crying Peggy. "Oh my lord." I say, seeing Peggy bloody and cracked head. Maria was in worse conditions. There were metal bars to keep her cracked head from closing in. (A/N: That is a real thing guys.)

Theo sat down shakily, and Eliza went outside. Through the glass door not hidden by the curtain, I could see she was very pale and that a nurse had come to check on her. How dare my sister leave when our other sister asked for us and may possibly die!

"Angie." I heard Peggy weakly call. "Pegs! Oh my gosh We were so worried are you okay?" "Angie, where is Eliza, I want to say good bye to her." She cut in. "Peggy, no! Peggy, you are not dying! You need to keep your promise to John, you need to save your strength and stay alive!" (A/N: Any other Hamiltrash crying?)

Peggy looked up at me sadly. "It's no use. I'm barely hanging on." I start to cry, Theo is just staring at us. She hears and she knows what is happening. "Please get Eliza." Peggy says quietly. "Fine. But your not saying goodbye! It's not goodbye. Your not even going to say goodbye to John?" She chuckles slightly. "What happened to it's not goodbye?" She asks. I laugh with her, and, through my tears, I get up and leave to get Eliza.

I went to the waiting room to see Eliza sobbing her eyes out. Next to her is Alex, clutching her hand and crying softly with her. I put my hand on her shoulder and opened my mouth to tell her to come, when someone burst through the doors. It was John. I was suddenly filled with hope.

"John!" I screamed. He jumped as I lunged forward, grabbed his arm, and yanked him up the stairs towards Peggy's room. Eliza and Alex followed. "Pegs!" John yelled, fear crossing his face. "Why did you do this to me?" Peggy yelled at me. I laughed slightly as John kissed her.

"You need to live for him." Said Theo. Damn, I forgot she was still here. "I really do." Said Peggy. We all cheered at Peggy's decision to live. I suddenly felt put out. I love my sisters more than anything this life, but Peggy may not reciprocate those feelings. I was happy for her and John.

At least she HAS family worth living for.

A/N: Ummmm, excuse me? What did I just write? I CRIED! Oh god, I am sorry for almost killing Peggy. Whose POV should I do next? Maybe John?
Thanks (again) for reading!

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