Chapter 27

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A/N: Do not hate me. Please do not hate me. I love you all and can't afford for you to hate me. I'm not going to say enjoy reading, because I already know that you will not. Do not hate me.

John POV:
I woke up next to Peggy, who was staring at the ceiling. "Hey." I said. "Good morning." She whispered. "Thinking of Phillip?" I asked her softly, and she nodded. "We all are." She said sadly. "Cary will be up soon, I should go get breakfast ready." I said. "Can you go to the laundry room and get her dress? I swear that I put it there." Peggy said, and I nodded.

Caroline had no black clothes, and we had to go out and get her a black dress for the funeral today. I did not bother to get dressed, and just stayed in my pyjamas. I walked to the laundry room and took the small dress off a hanger, putting it over my shoulder as I walk to the kitchen.

I made scrambled eggs and toast, and Peggy walked into the kitchen, still wearing her vibrant yellow pyjamas and holding Cary's hand as they walked in. "Morning Car." I said, kissing her cheek as I scooped the eggs onto three plates and added the toast. A single tear rolled down Peggy's cheek. "It's okay, Peg." I said, hugging her.

Cary barely had any idea what a funeral was, but Angie and Peggy had talked her through what happened to Phillip. Me and Peggy also discussed child trauma therapy, because being there while Phillip got shot must not have been very settling for Cary.

After breakfast, which seemed to pass by all to quickly, I got dressed in black pants and a black button up shirt. Peggy wore a short, long sleeved, flowing dress, and Cary wore her cute black dress. The funeral was full of tears, celebration of Phillip's life, even if it was too short, and soothing Eliza as she sobbed over his body.

By the end of the funeral, Eliza refused to leave the graveyard, and Alex and Ang stayed with her. He took her hand, and she held it too her heart. We did not leave yet, and we both hugged Eliza, and I awkwardly patted Alex on the back. He used to be my friend, and maybe I could find it in me to restart our friendship.

Eliza sniffed and wiped her tears. "Guys, listen. Don't try to change our minds, we have already made the decision. We are moving uptown." Peggy covered her mouth with her hand to quiet a gasp. Her eyes filled with the tears that had just barely dried. "Liza... why?"

Ang looked at Eliza, then at Alex. "It's quiet uptown." She murmured. "They are working through the unimaginable." Alex visibly squeezed Eliza's hand. She looked at him, and something passed between them. Something that only people who were truly in love could understand.

She nodded, and they hugged. Peggy and Ang hugged Liza one more time, before we had to leave with Cary. Alex and Eliza stayed. Holding hands and looking at Phillip's grave.

Angie was whispered something under her breath, like she was in her own world, like she had no idea we could hear her. "There are moments when the words don't reach." She said quietly. Peggy added on. "There is suffering too terrible to name."

They were in perfect tune of each other, and it was magical. Like something out of a musical. "She takes his hand." Ang said. "It's quiet uptown." They murmured together. "Forgiveness. Can you imagine. Forgiveness." I whispered unbelievingly. Me and Peggy, along with Caroline, got into our car and I drove us home. When we got home, Caroline asked us about a million questions, some of which we could not answer.

We would miss Eliza and maybe even Alex, but they would like to uptown. It's quiet uptown.

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