Chapter 18

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A/N: Hey guys! Writing this at 3 AM, cause I can't sleep. I promised you a BIG surprise in this chapter, so prepare yourselves...

Eliza POV:
Me and Alex had just gotten back from our amazing honeymoon. We had gone to france, where we had an amazing time. I still found it hard to believe that I was Mrs. Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, but it was true.

I only had one problem, and I knew Peggy was going to figure it out immediately. We walked in the door, pulling our suitcases behind us. "Hey!" I called out. "Where is everyone?" Peggy came rushing in. "Liza! Alex!" She squealed, hugging us both.

"Hi Pegs." I said. Everyone else came in to say hello to us, but one person was missing. "Wait- where is Thomas?" I asked, looking around. "Yeah. It is pretty easy to notice when a pile of crap goes missing." Alex commented, and I nudged him.

"I will explain later." Angie said. "Tell us about your trip. Well, the OUTDOOR parts of your trip." She glared at Alex, who blushed, cause it everyone to laugh.

"It was great. France is incredible." John covered Peggy's ears. "Now tell us the INDOOR parts." John whispered. We all laughed again. Peggy said "I can hear you guys."  "We are not telling anyone anything. Our business is our business." Alex said.

Peggy looked me up and down. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs. "What?" I said. "Oh nothing." She said sarcastically. "Just that you were smiling and glowing when you came in, then in a split second your eyes were full of tears. Then, you were blushing mad." I played dumb. "So? It's called emotions."

She crossed her arms and stared at me. "Your not an idiot. Even I can't tear up that quickly. Are you PREGNANT?" She whispered, so that no one could hear. I bit my lip. HOW did Peggy always know this kind of stuff? When my mom was pregnant with my little sister Catherine last year, Peggy knew from the start.

"Fine. Yes." I said, and Peggy squealed. "There was a mistake with pills before the wedding, and the rest is history..." I looked down at my stomach. "So?" Said Peggy. "What?" I asked. "Does Alex know that his new wife has his child?" I was filled with worry. "No. Not yet." Panic coursed through my mind.

What if he thinks this is too soon? What if he leaves me with his kid? What if he hates me? "Eliza? Elizabeth Hamilton? Can you hear me? You okay?" Peggy's voice brought me back to reality. "What? Yeah... I am fine." I said. "Liz, you gotta tell him. He is gonna find out eventually."

"What if he gets mad? What if he leaves me?" I asked, my mind filled with worry. "First of all, how does some one get mad over this? And second, I have never seen someone more In love! He would never ever leave you." I smirked. "You have NEVER seen someone that in love?" I asked. She shook her head. "I thought you were engaged to John." She threw a pillow at me.

"Fine. HE AND ALEX are the two people that love us most in the world. Except for Ang, Mom, and dad." She held my hand. "Don't worry. I found you guys an amazing apartment, and I kind of already got it for you. So all you have to do is go downstairs, ask to talk to Alex, bring him outside, and tell him. And if he does not want a child, tell him that he made a commitment to love you always and threaten to leave him. He will get paranoid and your all good. But this is only if he does not fall in love with the kid."

My eyes were pricking, and tears streamed down my face. "You got us an apartment? Pegs, thank you." I hugged her. "Go tell Alex. And thank him for the kid." The smiled, and I left the room, wiping my tears on the way down the stairs.

I wrapped my arms around Alex's waist, and whispered in his ear "can I talk to you outside?" He nodded, and we went outside. We sat on the front porch and he grasped my hand.

"I need to tell you something. Please don't hate me." I started. He hugged me. "I could never hate you." He whispered, and I smiled. That provided a little bit of comfort for what I was about to say next. "Alex, we might not be ready for this. But... I am pregnant. There was a mixup, and now-"  but I was cut off by him kissing me hard.

He pulled away and said "are you kidding? Your not kidding, right?" He was grinning from ear to ear, and tears were streaming down his face. "I am not kidding. Are you upset?" Confusion crossed over his face.

"Why would I be upset? This is the best news ever!" And he kissed me again. I could feel his smile against my lips, and I giggled. "But, seriously. We JUST got married. Are we really ready for a child?" He nodded eagerly. "Yes." He said. "Okay, then." I said smiling. "Peggy got us an apartment." He smiled. "We have to thank her." He said.

"After." He added, placing his hand in mine and looking into my eyes. "I love you." He said. I grinned. "I love you too." He put his hands on my stomach. "Hey, kid." He said. "I'm your dad. I swear that I will be around for you." I giggled a little. Alex was ALREADY talking to this child, who knows what it will be 7 months from now.

But I was lucky.

A/N: Anyone think that this was too fluffy? Cause I loved it! I had some fun writing it and I am going to time skip in the next chapter so that I don't have to be bothered to write Ang explaining the Thomas situation, and Eliza and Alex telling everyone. Sorry, I am lazy. Thanks for reading my dang garbage!!

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