Chapter...22? I forgot lol.

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Eliza POV:
Alexander has been quite busy with work lately and is starting to forget about his wife, son, and family. I put my blue trench coat around my shoulders over my long blue dress with sunflowers. I took Phillip by the hand and together we slowly walked down the street towards the public mailbox.

I found advertisements, coupons, and one two letters. One addressed to my family and one addressed to Alexander in curvy writing I did not recognize. I frowned a little at the heart over the "I" in Hamilton, but chose to ignore it. I walked with Phillip back inside and took off my shoes and coat. I put the advertising mail in one pile on the kitchen table, another pile for coupons, and put the letter for Alexander on his office desk.

Phillip helped me open the letter addressed for our family, and I read it out loud.

Dearest Alexander, Elizabeth, and Phillip Hamilton,

You have been invited to Mr. George Washington's Festive New Years Party. This party will take place on New Year's Eve (January 1st), starting at 9 pm. An adults section with an open bar will be on one half of the house, while a kid-friendly section with five fully trained babysitters will be on the other side. In the centre will be an all by age-group area, and in the backyard we will be hosting activities and fireworks. Please RSVP by returning this letter, along with your name highlighted at the top.

Thank you!
Sincerely, George Washington, Martha Washington, Frances Washington.

I almost squealed with delight. George was Alexander's boss, and he had LOADS of money and lives in a mansion. I was quite dear friends with his wife, Martha. Today was December 30th, so I had a day to RSVP. I walked into Me and Alexander's bedroom, where he was sitting filling out paperwork. He looked up when I entered.

"Betsy! There you are. How are you, my love?" He asked, kissing me on the cheek. I savoured the tingling sensation it left. "I'm just fine, Alexander." I said. "This arrived in the mail for us, I was hoping that we could attend." I was almost buzzing with excitement. Though I was not normally one to love party's, this one sounded incredible. He quickly read the note and said "This sounds Awesome, bae. Let's go."

He found a yellow highlighter and went over our names with it. He put it back into the envelope and walked with me to the mailbox to mail it back to George and Martha. By the time I got home, Angie and Peggy had both texted me saying that they received invites as well. I called Pegs first.

"Hey! Wanna choose outfits for the party?" I asked, and she screamed "Yes!" I hung up the phone and drove over to her house. John let me in and I hugged him before racing up to Peggy. We went through all of her outfits until we decided on a perfect one. A one-shoulder yellow dress that went to her knees. Along with some black converse and a black plaid shirt wrapped around her waist. Her hair would be down with gold earrings.

We then drove to my house and chose for me a one-shoulder blue jean top with a short black skirt, and blue heels. We face timed Angie and she said that she was wearing a pink, long sleeved sequin dress and gold heels. We showed her our outfits and she said that we should keep it appropriate. We shot back that her dress barely went to her thighs. After deciding on my hair in a high ponytail with a blue butterfly barrette, Peggy went home and I went to see Alexander.

He was in his office reading the letter that was addressed to him. He was grinning and biting his lip. I smiled at him when he looked up. "How was PegLeg?" He asked, and I laughed. "She's fine. Helped me pick out an outfit for the party."

"Already?" He asked, and I laughed again, making him smile. Gosh, his smile and his eyes, everything about him. I loved it all. "Yes already." I said, before walking to the closet and hanging up my clothes. "Is Phillip going to come? They have babysitters there."

"Sure." Alexander said. I walked out of his office, but not before leaning over to kiss him in the cheek. Well, also to see some of the letter. I only saw the name it was addressed from.

All of my Love,
Maria Reynolds.

Maria. I slowly exhaled. Maria, of course. We were good friends, and she was Peggy's best friend. There was nothing to worry about, she was just writing to her friend. But it still bothered me that she signed it "All of my love" when Ria usually signed her letters and texts as "lots of love." Also the fact that the word "Love" was capitalized. But, no matter. I trusted Alexander with everything I have. He would never do anything wrong to me.

I smiled, reassuring myself that I was being crazy. I decided to go upstairs and call Theo, because I missed her. I put a hand over my stomach, I was now 7 months pregnant (A/N: LETS FORGET ABOUT THE WAY TIME WORKS ALRIGHT??) and Maria was 9. Curious when her due date was, I decided to text her.

Eliza 💙💙: Hey Ri! How are you? Is the baby's coming any time soon??
Maria 💔🏆: Hey! Nothing yet but I'm due in a week. Hey, did you get an invite for a New Years Eve party at the Washington's?
Eliza 💙💙: Yeah. You going?
Maria 💔🏆: You bet! See you there!
Eliza 💙💙: C U there! Got to go, byeee.
Maria 💔🏆: Lots of love! 😉 ♥️
Read at 9:15 pm

I stared at my phone. She still signed it as "lots of love." Nothing about "all my love." Maybe it was just a misprint, or she was writing multiple letters and signed one for Alexander with the same signature as she would have written for her mom. (A/N: Lol did that make any sense??) I had one life, and could not spend it all worried. Angie texted me.

Angie 🥰🤬: Hey sis! Weddings in two weeks, you coming??
Bets💙: Of course! SOOO happy for you!!
Angie 🥰🤬: Love ya!
Bets💙: U too ❤️

I closed my phone and went to check on Phillip, who neither me nor Alexander had heard from for quite a while.

A/N: Sorry, that was a REALLY random chapter. I kind of just wanted to make Schuyler sister outfits. Am I weird? So, I will make another chapter just after this one to show you all Ang's wedding dress and the party dresses. I never really got to do a college party or a prom so I wanted to do some sort of party that was not a wedding. I am STILL kind of deciding if Alexander 🎵Can say no to this🎵!!! So, CLIFFHANGER! Cliffhanger until tomorrow when you'll get your next chapter.
Bye guys!

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