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Third Person POV:
Caroline sat on the curb, her purple dress flowing around her, as she waited for her mom to come pick her up from College for Christmas.

She spotted her moms car and ran towards it. "Hi mommy!" She said, opening the door and getting in. "Hi sweetie." Peggy said. In the front seat was 17 year old Angelica jr. "Hey cuz!" She said. "Hi Ang." Cary said.

They drove to the Hamilton house, where Angelica sr, Eliza, Aaron, and Maria waited. Alexander had been shot, he was with Phillip and John now. They all ate Christmas Eve dinner together, laughing and telling stories. Everyone went to sleep that night, only to wake up to lots of presents.

"Here hon." Aunt Eliza said, handing  Caroline a wrapped gift. "Thank you." She said, tears my it open. Inside a blue box was a green sweatshirt with a turtle on it. "It's so cute I love it!" Cary squealed.

"Listen, I know you don't remember your dad, but he loved you and your mom more than anything. You were with him when he died. I went to college with your mom and him, and the rest of the people here, and this was your dads favourite sweatshirt. He loved turtles. When they graduated, John gave uncle Alex this to take care of. He always wanted you to have it when you grew up. He told me so." Eliza said, speaking softly.

"Aunt Liz..." Cary said, tears pricking her eyes. "Thank you so much." She hugged her aunt, and Peggy walked over. "Oh boy, do I remember this." She said, laughing. "He never took this off." Caroline pulled the sweatshirt over her head. It fit perfectly, and smelled like her dad.

Cary felt slightly guilty, having so much fun on Christmas while her dad died on a Christmas Eve, but she could not help but be happy. She was with her family, and had a piece of him with her.

Julia, Maria's daughter, walked over, holding a tiny bundle of blankets. Julia was only 16, but she was a teen mom and had a baby, by the name of James. She was very oblivious to who her father was and the fact that she named her baby after him (by accident).

As they opened presents, Peggy remembered everything she had thought of the night John had died. She thought that that was the end of her story, she thought that that was her legacy, but she was wrong. You did not get to choose your end. That much was very clear. You just had to embrace what you had, and hold on to who you love, and know that what you have is enough.

"I'm Lucky to have my memories." Peggy whispered to herself. Eliza and Ang came over and hugged her, and Cary and Angelica jr joined in. "Yep." Peggy thought. "Definitely Lucky."

The end.

Lucky: A Jeggy/Hamiliza FanficWhere stories live. Discover now