Your New Boyfriend Sucks ~ Tanner

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*y/n's pov*

I walk into blue base and clock in then go straight to the office I share with Sam. I walk in shut the door and immediately fall to the ground crying. Sam ran over to me and engulfed me in a hug trying to calm me down. Once I calmed down a little she asked me what was wrong. "he broke up with me, Tyler broke up with me," I say and start crying again. "hey, hey, hey it's gonna be ok shh," she said and I started to calm down again. "is there anything I can do to help?" she asked. "get Robert please," I say and she nodded helping up and sitting me on the couch before leaving to get Robert. After like a minute Tanner walked in. "hey y/n," he said happily. "hey," I said, my voice being scratchy from crying so much. "are you ok?" he asks coming to sit next to me. "no not really," I say as a tear falls down my face. I look at him and see his eyes full of worry. "woah n/n what's wrong?" he asks. "Tyler left me," I say as more tears roll down my face. He immediately hugs me and calms me down telling me that it's gonna be ok. "where's Sam?" he asks still hugging me. "she went to get Robert for me," I say. "oh," is all he says back as he let's go and Sam comes back in with Robert. "oh hey Tanner," she says walking in. "I'm gonna take it that you know what happened?" she asks looking at Tanners shoulder that was soaked with my tears. "yeah," he says in response. "hey y/n," Robert says looking at me. "hey," I say softly looking down, "did Sam tell you?" "yeah she did, how you doing?" he asks as he sits down on the other side of me. "I don't know," I say softly looking over at him. he sees my puffy eyes and pulls me into a hug. That's when I realize Tanner is holding my hand. I blush a little but use my other hand to hug Robert back. Sam, Robert, Tanner and I all talk about it for a little before Robert and Tanner go back to their work and Sam and I start to work at our desks. I'll admit, I do feel a little better after talking with all of them. They all mean so much to me. Sam is like a sister to me, she's always there for me no matter what. Robert is like an older brother to me, he's really protective of me because of my past. And Tanner, well he's Tanner, he never fails to make me feel better, I've always had this feeling when I'm around him, It's like butterflies but stronger. I realized I zoned out and got back to work. I help Quinn edit the Matthias channel videos and have my own channel that is mostly singing and some gaming. After a couple of hours there was a knock on the door. Sam was in a meeting so it was just me in the room. "come in," I said quietly. Matt walked in "hey y/n," he said. "hey," I said realizing my voice was still scratchy. "y/n why are you crying? are you ok?" he asked. I didn't even realize I had been crying for a while. "I'm fine," I say wiping away the tears. "no you're obviously not ok, come here," he said opening his arms for a hug. I gladly accept and we stand there for a couple minutes. "oh umm I was gonna ask if you wanna go to lunch with us," he says. "um yeah sure," I say as we let go. matt is quite literally my older brother but he's less protective that Robert. We start walking to his car. "may I ask why you were crying?" he asks. "ask Tanner I don't think I can say it again but he knows," I say keeping my head down and getting the front seat as Matt gets in the drivers seat. After Matt starts driving he asks Tanner the question. "hey Tanner," he says. Tanner hums in response. "Can you tell me why my sibling was crying in their office because they said you knew and they don't think they can say it again?" he asks. "hey n/n is it ok for me to tell them?" he asks referring to Matt, Connor, and Paul who were all in the car. I nod my head and he starts talking, "Tyler broke up with them yesterday and they found out it was because he was sleeping with someone else." "oh my god y/n I'm so sorry," Paul says. "yeah you didn't deserve that," Connor says. I glance at Matt and he is fuming. We pull into In-N-Out and I turn to Matt. I grab his hand with both of mine. "Matt calm down, please," I plead softly. His expression softens, "Ok."

*Time Skip to a couple days later*

I walk into blue base smiling and head up to my office. I log in to my computer and Sam looks at me. "why so happy?" she asks. "because I realized something last night," I say spinning In my chair to face her. "and what would that be?" she asked with her typical happy smile. "that I don't miss him but I miss the way it felt," I say. "oh see I knew you'd realize it eventually," she says. "yeah I guess so," I say turn back to my computer. I get all my work done when I have an idea. I quickly call Robert




jeez y/n what's so important that you had to blow out my ear drum?

Are you busy right now?

No I just finished editing the video why?

Alright I'm coming to your office!!

*end of conversation*

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