Your New Boyfriend Sucks Part 2 ~Tanner

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*y/n's pov*

I stand up grab my keys and run to orange base. By the time I make it to Roberts office I'm struggling to breath. I catch my breathe and burst into his office and explain my idea. "I wanna write a song and I need your help," I say. "ok I'm down," he says. For the next few weeks we write the song and Robert does the instrumental. Finally the day comes. Today is the day we release the song and the day I tell Tanner I like him. Matt told everyone that we weren't doing work today but we're going to watch the music video to the song and Robert and I would talk then we'd just party for the rest of the day. I get ready in my favorite outfit and head to the office. I go straight to Robert's office and we talk for a while. Finally 10 am rolls around we all head to the red base warehouse. Everyone took their seat and Robert and I stand in front of the screen. "hiya guys I'm just gonna rant a little before we start. umm wow It's crazy to think that we are releasing this right now. Robert and I worked so hard on this and it means so much to us that all of you are here. And I especially want to thank Sam, Tanner and Matt for being there for me through everything that came before and during this. And of course Robert for helping me with this even if I randomly sprung the idea on him after blowing out his ear drum," I say and we all laugh. "actually I'm really glad you brought up this idea, it was really fun to work with you on this. I know this has all been fun and jokes but this song really does mean a lot to us both, seeing that it talks about things both y/n and I have experienced in the past. Without further a do please enjoy our song 'Your New Boyfriend Sucks'," Robert says as we walk off stage and into our seats. We all watch the music video and everyone claps once it ends. Robert and I walk back on stage, grab the mics and turn them on. "Thank you all genuinely, we really appreciate the support and I think y/n here has one thing left to do before we can start this part," Robert says smirking at me. I laugh as Robert turns off his mic runs down to his seat. "That would be correct umm Tanner could you grab that mic and come up here real quick," I ask looking at him. He does as said and everyone looks confused. "so why exactly did you want me up here?" he asks. "because I need to ask you something," I start ,"Tanner I've wanted to say this for a while, but I really like you as more than a friend and was wondering if you'd be my boyfriend?" "Oh my god, of course n/n I would love to," he says pulling me into a hug as everyone claps and 'awe's. We pull away and he kisses me. We walk off stage and the party starts.

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