Faceless ~ Paul

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*y/n's pov*

"Mark, do I have to go?" I whine as he puts his shoes on. "Yes, now let's go," he said, dragging me out of the house. Mark was making me go to Matthias' surprise birthday party. I would have stayed home with Ethan, but he was hanging out with Mika, and Tyler was going to the party too, along with Amy. Amy sat up front with Mark, and Tyler and I were in the back of Mark's van. We finally arrived at the studio and waited for Matt. Once he opened the door to the warehouse, we yelled surprise, and then the party started. "Hey, y/n," Matt said, walking up to me. "Umm, hey Matt," I say shyly. "Still shy, I see," he said with a chuckle. I laughed a little, still looking down. "Hey, how about I introduce you to some people so you're more comfortable," he suggests. "Yeah, I would like that," I say, looking up. Matt looks around for a second then grabs my hand and pulls me over to a guy with brown hair. He looked a little familiar, but I couldn't figure it out at first. "Hey Paul," Matt said to the brown haired boy who was standing alone. "Oh, hey Matt, whos this?" he asked, looking at me then back to Matt. "You wanna introduce yourself?" Matt asked me. "Oh yeah, sorry, I'm y/n," I say, sticking out my hand for Paul to shake. He took my hand, "hi y/n I'm Paul." "wait Paul? as in PaulGG?" I ask. he laughs, "yes that would be me. Why, you a fan?" "Not exactly," I say with a laugh. "Hey, I gotta go, but Paul, could you introduce y/n to some more people so they're not so shy?" Matt says with a laugh at the end. I playfully punched him. "Hey," he says with a laugh. "Yeah, I could do that," Paul says with a chuckle. Matt walks away, and Paul and I start talking a little more. "Can I say something that's probably going to sound weird?" Paul asks. "Go ahead," I say. "Your voice sounds really familiar, but I can't put my finger on why or where I've heard it before," he says with a nervous chuckle. I laugh, "I think I know why that is, but you have to actually introduce me to people before I tell you." "wow I see how it is," he said with a chuckle as he pulled me over to meet some people. After a while, I had met almost everyone; the last people I had to meet were the rest of GG. This included Connor, Tanner, and Woods. "Hey guys," Paul said, walking up to them with me next to him. "Hey Paul, who's this?" Tanner asks. "Oh guys, this is y/n and y/n well, I'm pretty sure you know all them," he says. "Hey y/n," Tanner says. "It's nice to meet you," Woods said. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you," Connor says. "It's nice to meet all of you as well," I say. "May I ask how you know Matt, I've never seen you before?" Tanner asks. "Oh yeah, I didn't even think to ask that, plus you still have to tell me why you sound familiar?" Paul says after. "oh yeah I might as well properly introduce myself. Hi, I'm y/n Nestor-Darling, and before you question it because everyone does, Darling is part of my last name," I say with a laugh. "so how do you know Matt?" Connor asks. "yeah and how do you know all of us but we don't know you?" Paul adds. "Jeez I'm getting there chill. As I was saying, I've known Matt for a couple years, and we met through a mutual friend," I say. "who?" Tanner asks. "You guys are very nosey, but Mark," I say with a laugh, and they laugh as well. "Wait, now that I think about it your last name sounds really familiar," Woods says. "Oh yeah, um, can we go somewhere with less people so I can explain that. I just don't want everyone hearing this," I say nervously. "Umm, yeah, let's go to my office," Tanner says, and we all go into his office, and he shuts the door. "OK, so my last name probably sounds familiar because I am Ethan's twin sibling," I explain as I look down. "Wait, Ethan who?" Tanner asks. "Ethan as in Crankgameplays' Ethan, or Mark's acne-covered, blue-haired best friend," I joke. "But I've never seen you in any of their videos," Woods says, confused. "That is true because I don't like showing my face on camera for more reasons than just being nervous," I say. "Hey, y/c/n-" Mark says, opening the door, then immediately realizing what he said and stopping. "wait y/c/n as in the faceless youtuber?" Tanner asks, slightly fanboying. I glare at Mark, then look at the guys as they all stand there in awe. "yes that would be me," I say nervously. "Oh my god your actually y/c/n!" Connor says freaking out. "Wow, I never thought I'd actually meet you!" Woods says. "That's why you sounded so familiar!" Paul practically screams. "Okay, jeez ya'll can stop fanboying now," I say with a giggle. "Sorry," they all say at the same time, then laugh. "Oh my god, Paul has the—" Tanner began before Paul covered his moth with his hand. "As I was saying," Tanner resumes after Connor and Woods pull Paul away from Tanner and prevent him from speaking, "Paul has had the biggest crush on you since he found your channel and called me freaking out after he got to play with you and Scratch." "Is that so?" I say with a smile as I look over to see a blushing Paul. He didn't say anything; he just ran out of the room, and I ran after him. "Paul, Paul, wait!" I scream. At this point, we are in the parking lot. He stops and turns around as I catch up to him. "I'm sorry," he whispered, looking down. I lift his head up with my hand and see tears rolling down his face. I wipe away his tears with my thumbs as I cup his face with both of my hands and say, "You have nothing to be sorry about." "b-but what about what T-Tanner said," he says, with tears still slowly falling down his face as I wipe them away. "Hey, I think it's cute that you freaked out after playing with me; in fact, I did the same thing, but I ranted to Ethan, Mark, Tyler, and Amy," I continue to hold his face. "r-really?" he asks, looking into my eyes. "Yes, silly, do you think I'd run after you if I didn't feel the same way," I say and we both laugh a little. I look up into his eyes, and he stares down into mine. I feel the sudden urge to kiss him, so I do, and he kisses back. His hands snake around my waist as he deepens the kiss. We both pull away for air, and I rest my head on his chest. "y/n?" he asks. "Yes, Paul," I say. "Will you be my partner?" "Of course, Paul," I say, drawing him in closer. 

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