Rain ~ Robert

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*y/n's pov*

Cloudy skies and drizzling rain, perfectly representing my mood. It's like nature new how I felt, how much I missed the rain since moving to California from New York. Rain has always been my favorite weather. An excuse to dress cozy and stare out the window all day. I throw on my shoes walk out to my car. Letting the rain soak my hair and clothes, not caring what anyone thinks. As I get in I turn on Jubilee Line by Wilbur. The gloominess of the day made this the perfect song for the moment. I sang along with the sad song as I drove to pick up my best friend and co-worker, Robert. "There's a reason,That London puts barriers on the tube line,There's a reason,That London puts barriers on the rails,There's a reason,That London puts barriers on the tube line,There's a reason,That London puts barriers on the rails,There's a reason,That London puts barriers on the tube line," I sang as I got closer to his house. Pausing the song as I pulled into his driveway and called him. "Get your bitch ass out here," I say as he answer. "well hello to you as well," he laughs. "just get out here so we can go," I say before hanging up on him. After a minute or so his door opens and he walks out. I laugh as he runs to the passenger side door, hair and clothes getting soaked. He opened the car door and quickly got in. "why didn't you tell me it was raining!" he shouts at me jokingly. "do you not have windows?!" I ask him sarcastically. "I- you right, you definitely right," he laughs. I laugh along as I pull out of his driveway. He takes my phone and plays music as we both sing along. Pulling into the blue base parking lot as a song ends. We both get out of the car at the same time. Robert runs to the door as I slowly walk, letting the rain soak me more than before. I make it the door and unlock it. "jeez you are soaked," Matt says as I clock in. "yeah cause she stood out there for three minutes before actually walking in," Robert says walking up behind Matt. "you have no room to talk Mr. can't look out windows," I giggle as I ruffle his wet hair. "what?" Matt asked confused. "hey, I'm not the brightest, I get it but you didn't have to call me out," Robert says a little a louder completely ignoring Matt. "Dude there's a window in your bedroom how did you not see it was raining?" I question also ignoring Matt. "I don't know!" he shouts as we walk out of blue base in the direction of orange base, still arguing about his dumbness. Both of us knowing that it's all a joke. "come on i'm not that dumb! I mean i'm definitely dumb in some ways, but like not as dumb as you're imply-" Robert starts to rant but I cut him off by grabbing his hands and stopping him. He turns to face me, raining pouring down on the both of us, oddly like a movie scene. He's still rambling on which makes me giggle. I cup his face in my hands and kiss him gently, making him shut up and kiss me back. My hands leaving his face as my arms wrap around his neck as his hands graze the sides of my body as the make their way to my waste. His grip on my waist deepening the kiss. Breaking away solely for air wishing that we didn't have to. "what was that for?" Robert asks with a chuckle. "I had to shut you up somehow," I smirk at him. "oh," he says as his smile falls. "Robert..." I start as he looks up from the floor into my eyes. I pull him into another kiss, feeling him smile into it. "I love you," I say softly as we pull away. "I love you too y/n," He smiles as our foreheads rest together. "just don't break me," he whispers to me. "I could never do that to you, because that would be breaking myself and my best friend," I smile lightly at him. "I know love," he says with a slight smile. We kiss again but break away as we here a click. I turn to my left and see Paul and Tanner standing there arguing quietly over the noise. Robert clears his throat to get their attention. "oh h-hey guys," tanner says looking at us. "what were you doing?" Robert asks with his arms crossed. "W-we just thought y-you guys l-looked c-cute," Paul stutters out. "well did the photo at least turn out cute?" I question with jokingly. "definitely," Paul says with a smile as he walks over to me and shows me the picture. I smile at the photo. "send that to me," I whisper to Paul as we both laugh. "You got it boss," he says jokingly. My phone dings and I see that Paul sent me the photo. I walk over to Robert who is talking to Tanner and tap his shoulder. He looks at me as I smile and show him the picture. "ok that is a really good picture," He says as he smiles. "dude you are all getting soaked come inside for god's sake," we all hear a voice scream. We look at the door to orange base and see Woods standing there. We all laugh as we walk over and into orange base. This, is why I love rain so much.

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