I'm Sorry ~ Matthias.

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!!TW: Self Harm!!

*y/n's pov*

Another hot day in LA and me wearing a long sleeve. I walk into blue base and clock in. I see Matt standing by the stairs. "hey y/n!" Matt greets me happily. I smile at his happy tone. "hey matt," I say. Matt has always been able to make to me smile on my worst days. Then I remember the pain but I keep smiling, nobody can know what I do to myself. they can't know about the cutting. Matter of fact only one person knows and that would be Robert. He saw them when he came over once so he knows but he promised not to say anything and to be there when I need him. I walk out of blue base and to orange so I can see if Robert's busy. "hey Robert?" I say as I open his door. "yes n/n," he replies looking up from his computer. "are you busy right now?" I ask as I walk in and close the door. "no why what's up?" he says smiling at him. "c-can we do something to take my mind off of stuff?" I ask. "yeah of course what do you wanna do?" he asks as I sit in Cameron's seat since he's not here today. "umm can we sing a few songs?" I ask. I've loved singing and have been told I have a good voice. "yeah what song are you thinking?" he asks looking at his computer and going to YouTube. "umm," I think then a song clicks in my head. I walk over to his desk and put my hands on his keyboard as I type in the song making sure to add karaoke at the end. "why'd you chose All Of Me?" he asks look at me. "you know why," I say to him. I told Robert a couples after we started hanging out that the lyrics of song I listen to most of the time relate in some way to my feelings. He nodded and clicked on the song. We looked at each other then started singing together. I knew all the lyrics as I grew up listening to the song. As the song we ended he just looked over at me as a tear rolled down my cheek. "y/n please don't cry," he said turn to face me and wiping the tears off my face with his thumb. "Here I know what will make you feel better," he says with a smile and turning back to his computer. I just look down my vision blurry with tears. Until I hear his English cover of Euphoria playing. I look up at Robert and smile as my tears fade away. I start singing along as he just listens. He knows that his voice always cheers me up and that out of every song he's posted this is my favorite. The lyrics just have a really deep meaning that's evident when you hear them but the more you think about the deeper the meaning goes. As I finish singing I hear clapping. I look at the door and see matt standing there. "you have a really pretty voice y/n," Matt compliments me. "uh thanks Matt," I say with a nervous smile. "oh um can you by chance fill for Connor in the GG shoot today?" Matt asks me. "uh yeah when?" I ask. "in like 5 minutes," Matt says with a laugh. "yeah ok i'll be over in a sec," I say and Matt walks over to the GG set. I look over at Robert who's smiling at me. I pull him into a tight hug. "thank you," I say muffled into his chest. "come on y/n you are like a little sister to me I'd do anything to make you smile," He says letting me go, "now go film." He waves me off with his hands while I laugh at his actions. I get up and walk to the GG set and sit in Connor seat. "hey y/n!" Tanner greets me as I sit. "hey Tan Man," I smile at him. "so what are we doing today?" I ask Paul as Matt walks in and sits in his seat. "um a couple GTA5 videos and lucky for you, Connor name isn't on the intro list for today so the rest of us will do today's intros," paul says as he smiles at me. "thank god," I laugh. I set up GTA on Connor's computer and we start filming.

*time skip*

We are on our last video for today and It's really hot in here. So hot that Paul and Tanner both took their pants off. matt and I look at each other and laugh. "what?" Tanner asks as he sits down. "yeah you laughing at us?" Paul asks jokingly. "yes, yes we are," I say still laughing a little. "ugh whatever let's just get this over with," paul says as he starts the intro. Half way through filming I get hot so Pull up my sleeves forgetting about the cuts.

*Matt's pov*

As we are filming I see y/n pull up he sleeves a little. I looked back at my screen but something catches my eye. I discreetly look at her wrists again and see cuts, and a lot of them. My heart breaks at the sight. Why? is all I can think. She cuts herself and didn't tell us? Who hurt her? Why does she do this to herself? I just keep playing trying not to bring attention to it knowing I'm the only one that can see it.

*y/n's pov*

As the game finishes Paul does the outro and we stop filming. Paul and Tanner stand up and put their pants back on before walking out of the office. I'm still logging off of the computer when the door closes. I see Matt and Robert standing there looking at me concerned. I tilt my head in confusion. "I thought you stopped," Robert says with glossy eyes looking down on me. "w-what?" I stutter out. "n/n I saw the cuts when you pulled your sleeves up. why? why do you do this to your self?" Matt asks as a tear rolls down his face. "I- I-," is all I get out before I start crying to a point the I can't talk. I feel two arms wrap around me and at first I assume it's Robert but then I smell a distinct cologne, Matt's cologne to be exact. I hug him back and cry into his shoulder. I eventually calm down and he pulls away putting his hands on my shoulders. I look in his eyes and he looks at mine. "why?" is all he asks. Something I have asked myself my whole life. I can tell Robert had left the room at this point when nobody else talks. "I- I- I- don't know. I ask myself that question every time I do it. I know there are people who care. I know Robert cares, I know Tanner cares, I know Sam cares, I know woods cares, but there's one person that I thought didn't care. the most important out of all of them, out of everyone in my life," I say looking in his eyes, "you." He doesn't say anything he just looks at me. Without even realizing it we both had started leaning in. His lips gently pressing against mine. Every worry, every fear, every drop of pain had left. It was just me and him. Nothing else mattered, everything I wanted was in front of me. As we break away for air he speaks up. "y/n I love you with everything I have, you mean the world to me and I hate seeing you hurt. You were there for me when nobody else was I just didn't know how to tell you and now I regret not doing it soon. so before I chicken out, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks look at me. I don't answer I just kiss him, a gentle but passionate kiss. "I'm gonna take that as a yes," he says as we pull away. I laugh, "yes Matt I will definitely be your girlfriend."

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