Sound Tech ~Link

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*y/n's pov*

"Wait let me get this straight, you don't know what a 'pillow princess' is?" I question as link just stares at me. "...No?" Link replies. "Seriously after this long of knowing me you are this clueless?" Stevie says as she sits next to me on the couch, Rhett and Link across from us on another couch. "I have never once heard you use the term 'pillow princess' so how would I know??" Rhett says. "Oh my," I say under my breath. "What about 'bear'? Do you know what that means?" I say looking back and forth between the 2 guys. "Like the animal," Link responds. "No, just, no. Here's one you should know 'butch'?" Stevie says going from disappointed to hopeful. "Oh! A butcher, the guy who cuts meat!" Rhett says confidently. "What the crap does that have to do with being queer??" Link says already knowing Rhett is very wrong. "They're gone," I say looking at Stevie my head in my hands, "there's no saving them." "Now hold on, I think they just need a lesson... especially you Link," Stevie says looking at the three of us with some hope in her eyes. "Why me?! He's just as clueless!!" Link responds in his typical meltdown tone. "Because you're queer, Link, and Rhett's not. He just happens to have queer friends," I respond trying to calm him down but at the same time adding a little humor into it. "Oh, yeah I forgot about that," he quietly says his head falling a little. "You forgot you're queer? How?" Rhett says with a laugh causing us all to laugh. After that we realize that they need to go film a GMM episode and a More. As they head to get ready I walk onto the set. I run sound for the boys and kinda for Stevie too. She never really needs much as she just has the mic on her desk. The boys however need to be mic'd up even though they have the desk mic. Just incase. Typically Link is the first to be mic'd as Rhett is quite particular about how his hair looks. This time was different, Rhett came out almost a minute after I got over to my setup. "That was fast," I say looking at him for a second before grabbing his lav. He lifts his shirt so I can put it on his chest and responds, "Yeah. Um in all honesty I wanted to talk to you without anyone around for a sec." "Oh, ok. What's up?" I ask a little confused. "I was just um wondering... if uh.. how." Rhett starts, getting frustrated at himself for struggling, "Screw this I'm just gonna cut to the chase. Are you single?" I look up from his chest where I was making sure his mic was secure. I stare at him for a second, his expression blank, mine however filled with confusion as my mouth hung slightly agape. "I- yeah?" I said still confused. "Ok, cool," he said a small smirk appearing on his once blank face. I stared at him confused as he walked back towards the dressing rooms pulling his shirt back down as he did. "What the fuck was that?" I ask myself under my breath as I get ready to put Link's mic on when he comes out. As I double check that Link's body pack has battery I here Link come out giddily sing, "Mic time, mic time, it's my favorite time" over and over a gain. When I finish what I was doing I turn around smiling, his mic in hand. Turns out he was closer than I thought because when I turned around I was staring at his shirtless chest that was barely 2 inches from my face. I slowly tilt my head up to look at him but he's already staring down at me, a small smile on his face and his cheeks tinted red. "Hi," I say with a laugh. "Hello," he says in a slightly higher than normal voice, his smile growing. He takes a step back as we both laugh and I start putting his mic on. There's something different this time though. I can't help but feeling like he's staring at me so I look up a little and I was right. When I looked up he was starring down at me intensely, like he was studying the way I moved and how I focused. His face turned bright red the moment he say me looking back at him. But I didn't say anything I just looked back down and kept doing my thing. "And~ you're done," I say turning away from him and to my set up to put stuff back. "Thanks," he responds quietly before walking away and over to his seat on the set. The rest of the crew gets arranged. "We're gonna check framing if you wanna do your mic check now," the closest camera person says to me. "Ok, thanks," I say before putting my headset on. "OK, it's mic check and framing time," I almost yell out. "Stevie?" I say. "I'm here, and I'm talking because y/n is mic checking. This is so much funnnn-" She says and I cut her off after a little, "You're good." "Set mic," I say looking over at the boys. "Apple," Rhett starts followed by Link, "Banana." Then Rhett again, "Cucumber," and Link, "Durian." After a while I cut them off, "That's good, Link your mic now." "y/n is making me talk into this mic and we don't even really use them but I'll still do it because y/n scares me but they're still really cool and great and awesome. Please don't hurt meeeee," Link says talking relatively fast the whole time but getting higher towards the end. I laugh as I stop him, "Thank you, Link. Rhett?" "I'm just gonna talk like a normal person would and I'm not going to insult the man who can simply decide if we get to post this video or not because that would be a stupid idea. Oh wait, Link already did so this better be a good video," he says jokingly making fun of Link. "Thank you, Rhett. Were all set what about you guys," I say turning to the camera crew who are all dying of laughter. I look at the guys with a confusion that is instantly relieved when I see the two in a very intense staring contest. Rhett is trying not to laugh as Link stares at him with a death glare. I end up laughing along with them. Eventually everyone calms down and the crew gives me a thumbs up. "We're ready whenever you are," I say looking at the boys and taking a seat on my stool that's behind the sound board. We ended up filming 2 episodes and their accompanying mores. The boys walk over so I can undo their mic's. "Me first," Rhett says running up to me and lifting his shirt. "Jesus Rhett," I say starting to remove his mic, "No need to run at me full force." "Sorry but I gotta get out of here before the awkward part," He says with a small smirk on his face. "What awkward part?" I ask as I put his mic back in the case. "You'll see," he says walking away leaving Link and I alone on the set. The rest of the crew didn't really have much to do and the guys had sat there talking to each other for a while after we finished filming so they had all left. "I'm so confused," I say as Link lifts his shirt. I disconnect his body pack as he starts talking, "I uh actually wanted to talk to you about something." He seems nervous which is actually quite rare. "What's up bud?" I say instantly regretting it, "erm nope hated that, pretend that didn't happen." He laughed a little at that, which caused me to smile. I had always loved his laugh, something about it was so calming to me. "I ummm Doyouwanttogotodinnerwithmetonight?" he said really fast, looking anywhere but at me. I finished removing his mic and started wrapping the cord up as I looked at him, my eyes wide. "Like as friends?" I question tilting my head in confusion. Why would he be nervous to ask me to dinner? We've gone multiple times before. He paused for a second, turning to look at me. Our eyes met and we just stared at each other. By this point I realized that was definitely not what he meant. "Like as a date," he eventually said still looking in my eyes, "It's ok if you say no, I'd understand. Asking you was stupid but Rhett made me and I knew this wouldn't end well. I'm sorry." "Yes," I say a smile forming on my face, "I would love to go on a date with you." "Wait what really?" he questions. "Yeah, why not?" I say laughing a little at the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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